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Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

We took off to a little coastal town…

This past weekend, Claudia and I dropped our son, Jude, off at his grandparents and we took off to the little coastal town of Newport, Rhode Island. We were celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary and had a great time unplugging and spending time together…

September 23, 2013
Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

What is your default mode?

I’m reading an interesting book right now by Kevin Lehman on parenting titled Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down. Through years of counseling parents, Lehman has found that every person, by default, parents just as they were parented – unless they learn how and decide to change. He points…

September 19, 2013
Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

Failures and success

I’ve long heard the concept of “fail early, fail often.” And, while I understood it in theory, I struggled to see its real, practical benefit. This all changed when I realized that failure gives us knowledge and skills which cannot be gained any other…

September 2, 2013

Why you need to ignore your competition

When I was first starting my business, one of the things I was painfully aware of was my competition. I wasted time and energy studying their websites, comparing services and prices, and worrying if anyone would buy from me. Doing some research and due diligence…

August 12, 2013
Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

Bumps in the road

So, what do you when things don’t go as planned and you find yourself in the middle of a tough situation not knowing how it’s all going to work out? You focus on the positive, learn from the experience, and embrace the journey, right? While…

August 5, 2013

8 must-see TED talks for the aspiring entrepreneur

I love TED Talks. They’re inspiring and informative 18 minute presentations from interesting people doing amazing things. Presentations are given on a wide range of topics including business, technology, psychology, design, science, and global issues. Here are 8 must-see TED talks for any aspiring entrepreneur.…

July 29, 2013

The Right Approach to Getting New Clients

In business, I’ve learned you need to have the right approach to getting new clients and building your business. It’s so easy to be focused on needing to make money, especially when you’re just starting out. The way to make money, however, is to figure out how…

June 24, 2013
Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

When the Door Closes

What do you do when the door to something you’ve been working long and hard on closes? Your business idea flops, you don’t get that breakthrough you were hoping for, your dreams are dashed. It’s so easy to get stuck in a place of…

May 20, 2013