
Did That Just Happen?

December 8, 2011


Did you ever get the feeling that you are being watched? Or that maybe that person you talked to isn’t really that person that you talked to? Or that your life is pretty much like the Jim Carrey movie,Β The Truman Show, and you don’t actually know what is real?

I do. Sometimes I wonder if the stranger I just talked to was an actual person or an angel. Whether things that happen during my day “just happened,” or were arranged.

I think we have been tricked into thinking that things just simply happen. That we live in this random story of actions and events, but have no part or roll in what actually happens in the story. I am just supposed to go about my life, mind my own business, work hard, keep my head down and keep walking. I have no sphere of influence, what happens has no eternal meaning. And that I am just a person, a speck in the midst of millions. I have no ‘shine,’ nothing to offer. Some people were born great, but not me.

I think most people believe this lie and we walk around numb. Numb because ‘life is hard,’ or ‘it hurts to much to forgive,’ or ‘that person is just unlovable’ or ‘they need to change before I do, after all, they are the one with the problems,’ or ‘I never have enough money.’

I think we have been numbed on purpose to make us less effective. And we have become very easy targets by basically letting ourselves ‘rot’ away with our laziness and apathy. We think we can’t change, so we don’t.

If I believed I was fearfully and wonderfully made…brilliantly made, and was living out this belief, that would be very influential wouldn’t it? So, why don’t we believe it? Believe that each of us has something brilliant to offer?

What dulls our brilliance? There are many ways we are dulled. In fact, if I was looking at us humans from the outside, I think it would be quite easy. How about a little discouragement for one?

I am often dulled by the lie of discouragement. Dis-Couragement. I feel that I don’t have any say in the matter. Phrases like, ‘it is what it is,’ go through my mind. Or the lie that the course of my life can’t be changed, or ‘my future looks so depressing’, or ‘how are we going to make it?’ The lies go on and on. My courage is dismantled, knocked down, flattened. And I walk around head to the ground unengaged, ineffective, tarnished, dead.

We live in a battle for our lives. A BATTLE. A battle for our minds, souls, a battle even for our courage. Just think how effective we would be in a battle if we were brilliantly using our gifts! We would have strength! Our voices would be heard, we would make a difference in this world! Can you imagine? But, the lie is that life is nothing more than a monotonous grind of dailyness. Millions of people living in a fog, angry, unforgiving, slothful, and uninspired.

What were you created to do? Who are you and why are you here? Do you know? If not, than find out! If you do, than are you doing it?!

Let’s not let the fog of life dull our brilliance. Or diminish our effect on the world.

You were created with a purpose, I was created with a purpose. I am in full pursuit of mine, are you?

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  • Brendie Thunder December 9, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    Like it and I am guessing many can relate to it quite a bit!! πŸ™‚

  • Claudia Good December 9, 2011 at 9:25 pm

    hahaha, well…glad I’m not the only one πŸ™‚ Thanks for your input!

  • Char December 9, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    I absolutely love this, Claudia. I needed to hear this today. Fear makes me want to hide. Afraid of judgment and criticism…others not seeing my heart. Fear turns into discouragement. And then I want to hide my brilliance. Because that sounds easier and safer. Or I begin to believe I don’t have any brilliance at all. You are right…such a battle of our mind and souls. But today I choose to believe I have brilliance…and it is good. God created all of us with brilliance.

    • Claudia Good December 10, 2011 at 11:43 am

      Ya, I hear you Char! FEAR is huge, and then being ashamed that I am afraid makes me discouraged! I have been continually tripped up by discouragement for years!! I just always thought there was nothing I could do about it…if life wasn’t so hard then I wouldn’t be so discouraged…. hmmmm
      What a cyclical way to look at life! Never breaking free from the lie!

      I’ve always thought of you as brilliantly beautiful btw πŸ™‚

  • Amber December 9, 2011 at 10:54 pm

    So good! It’s dreadful to think of life with no inspiration, no dreams. I can only begin to imagine what this earth would look like if everyone lived out of their gifts to the highest potential.. or even lived out of them at all. It only takes one person to inspire another! πŸ™‚

    • Michael Good December 9, 2011 at 10:58 pm

      “It only takes one person to inspire another!”
      Love it, Amber!

    • Claudia Good December 10, 2011 at 11:48 am

      Hi dear Amber πŸ™‚
      You have gone thru the fires and have come out with such beauty and depth!
      Sooo true, it does take only one person! Imagine the opportunities we have!