Personal Growth

It’s time to get on another ride!

August 29, 2013


Most of us spend all our whole adult lives on the same ride. Around and around we go.

We drink our coffee the same way, use the same deodorant, listen to the same type of music, and choose the same color clothing we always have. We eat the same basic meals, talk to the same people and wash our clothes with the same smelling detergent.

We live in the same basic area we always have, drive the same way on the same roads, and look out our windows at the same houses.

Most of us rarely stray from the very narrow rut we have created for our lives unless we are forced to. And it may come as no surprise that most of us also struggle with the same things all of our lives.

Could it be that we never wander far enough, or expose ourselves to enough newness that our minds never gain enough perspective to conquer our struggles?

We cling to sameness, comfort, and predictability like a cat clinging to a rug. And the untangling of our stiff fingers from that which brings us comfort can be brutal. And to our own demise, we rarely GET ON ANOTHER RIDE and experience our life from a different angle.

Because who knows how our coffee would taste in another mug, it might ruin it, for heaven’s sake!

The fascinating thing about getting on a different ride, however, is that the change has the capacity to spark the eye back to life.

We hear different music, the smells are different, the people around us are different. The movement is different and we must readjust our bodies to balance ourselves. The sights are changed and we must squint the eye differently to see them because they are not what we are used to seeing. The heart beats faster, the skin tingles, the mind quickens and is highly alert, for all is new.

On a different ride, we look in different mirrors, see ourselves in different surroundings, hear ourselves talking to different people and saying different words. We walk differently because we don’t know every crevice of the sidewalk we step on. We look for signs because we don’t know the roads we drive on.

And all this looking and seeing and listening and adjusting does nothing more than put a chink in the old and let a little new shine in. How strangely sweet the harmony sounds in a song we have never heard. How alluring the sight of our eyes shining under different lights.

The new ride brings new life. And though we may go back to the old ride after we try the new one, at least we go back with new eyes, new appreciation, new perspective.

I dare you to step onto another ride and see what happens. Who knows, you might start becoming the person you always wanted to be!

Photo Credit: Express Monorail via Compfight cc

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  • Ann Musico August 29, 2013 at 7:22 am

    We do tend to get stuck in ruts don’t we? For me personally, change doesn’t come easily and stepping out of my comfort zone takes intentional decision. I am doing it more and more – kind of like dipping your toe into the water to check the temp! It definitely helps to put yourself in a different place in order to change your whole perspective!

    • Claudia Good August 29, 2013 at 9:09 pm

      Hahaha I know you are pushing yourself in this area Ann, great job! Oh my a new perspective through traveling somewhere, or moving, or even going to a different park is so helpful as you said! It wakes up the senses!!

  • Maurice Maximo August 29, 2013 at 7:30 am

    Sometimes we failed to see our dreams come to life because don’t attempt to change platform. I just relocated in a new city and I can definitely say that I needed it for my life.
    Thank you for this message.

    • Claudia Good August 29, 2013 at 9:03 pm

      So true Maurice! Glad that relocating has made such a powerful impact on you. Sometimes that is the breath of fresh air we need to start again! Thanks for you comment!

  • Jorge Silvestrini August 29, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    Seth Godin had something to say about this today: “If you don’t start, you can’t fail…”

    • Claudia Good August 29, 2013 at 9:01 pm

      I saw that one too Jorge! So very true!

  • char August 30, 2013 at 6:22 am

    So true! That is why I believe many things are worth doing for the experience…if for nothing else.

    • Claudia Good September 1, 2013 at 1:38 pm

      Yes indeed Char! I see you doing this more and more and it is inspiring 😉