
A New Chapter for this Site!

August 16, 2015


***Please note, this was a post written on my previous site (rise 365), right before switching over to Wholehearted Human.


Do you ever long for a big change?

Some months ago Michael and I found ourselves in this spot when it came to our blog. After 3 AMAZING years of writing and running Rise 365 (what Wholehearted Human used to be called) together, we were ready for a change.

So, after a lot of brainstorming, we decided Michael would step back from writing (to spearhead the second business we started last year) and I would take over this space myself, have the site redone, and change the domain name.

Go big or go home right!? 😉 Continue Reading

Personal Growth

Taker vs. Giver

August 11, 2015

tumblr_nj7ru3IczE1rs3ltto1_540* This is a post I never would have written 9 years ago. At that point in my life I was sick, depressed, and thought the problem was with everyone else. Thankfully, I have been shown a different way, and it has radically changed my life, my emotional health, and my friendships.


The taker version of us wants to take, horde and hide in every situation. Take stuff, horde money, hide ourselves and our abilities, take from relationships. This version feels that other people owe them and should be helping/giving to help us rather than the opposite.

It waits to be called instead of calling, complains about gaps rather than filling them, waits to perfect their art before offering, and has a hard time offering forgiveness (both for themselves and others).

The giver (braver and healthier) version of us gives, offers in every situation. It calls first and doesn’t keep track, it sees gaps and fills them. It opens to love and is vulnerable but confident.

It forgives.

The giver knows we are all fragile and unfinished, as is our work. It recognizes perfect is a trick, an illusion, an ever moving target, but progress is not, so it offers and keeps offering now (imperfect but always improving).

The giver sees generosity as a way of living life (the best way) rather than a single act.

Personal Growth

The Shy Creative

July 25, 2015

Why are we so shy of our art (that thing that we care about)?

Shy of claiming it’s brilliance and impact, unwilling to admit that it BURNS in us and LONGS to be taken seriously.

It’s a HOBBY, a side venture (at least this is the story we tell the world).

What a sad lie to believe.

There is creative in you and me just as there is blood in our veins and the thing we CARE about LONGS to be explored and lived out!

It wants to be a habit, not a MUSE. It longs to flow and keep flowing, and the more it is allowed to flow, the more it multiplies.

Creativity never runs out, it only increases, for creativity itself, creates.
On the journey with you!



Personal Growth

A Story of Two Obituaries

July 16, 2015


A white haired woman sits hunched over a desk holding two pieces of paper. Her breath is labored, her heart beats fast, too fast. Her time is near.

My Obituary #1, and My Obituary #2 are scribbled in black ink on the pages which lay flat on the desk before her.

Her hands shake as she picks up her pen and begins writing.

She writes the first obituary quickly and effortlessly, titling it, The Life I Wanted to Live.

The words gush out as if they had waited a lifetime to be exposed, for indeed they had. She imagined herself having lived a great life, a life full of depth, passion, imagination, generosity, fulfillment, and adventure. A life in which she had loved deeply, lived with courage, overcome obstacles, and changed thousands of lives for the better.

Hot tears escape and trickle down her wrinkled cheeks as she picks up the second piece of paper.

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Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

One of the Best Questions I’ve Ever Heard

July 9, 2015


So much clarity is gained when we ask great questions.

Here’s a really awesome one (I heard it here).


This question can be applied to different areas of life, but let’s apply it to that brave thing you are thinking about doing. If you could answer this question, would it give you more clarity and confidence?

Yes and YES!

What I like about this question is it puts the human back into spreading a message. It puts a heart in your head, and raises the value of what it looks like to help people. Everyone loves a hero.

A hero does brave work and throws her whole heart and soul in.

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Personal Growth

A Picture of the Rant

July 3, 2015


This is the ranting that goes on in our heads whenever we do anything different or brave!

It’s never easy to fight the head game, but I’ve learned fear only needs a wave of hello, not our hearts, or our ideas.

You look, acknowledge, and then ignore and keep moving forward despite the tightening in your chest.

Brave is always better!


Entrepreneurship Living Intentionally

A Market for Hope

June 12, 2015


tumblr_ngozpqxjVn1rs3ltto1_540Sometimes when we are looking, creating and building, we get more focused on what other people might like rather than what we are good at giving.

Since we can’t always predict what people will like, it’s better to simply offer what we are good at giving.

When we give from this place we are more likely to offer hope rather than just a hollow “how to….” And there is a huge market for hope!

Do you know what you are good at giving? How can you offer us hope in a way that both greets our humanness and helps us move forward?

“I’m human, you’re human, let me greet your humanness. Let’s be people together for a while.” Anne Lamott 

Personal Growth

Do it Afraid – Looking at the Fear That Plagues Us

June 10, 2015



I’m working on a new project, and everyday, even on a good day, I feel fear nagging at my belly and nibbling at my courage.

It jumbles my thoughts, and drifts my visions into the not so courageous category. Into Easier, less risky, guaranteed to please… and work.

Fear really brings a lot of clutter into our heads, have you noticed this? The stupid chatterbox just never shuts up!

It’s the flashing light which catches our eye and flip-flops our attention and intentions. It’s a flat path that lures us down it’s lazy, easy stretch, “this way is easier.” It’s the puddle which we choose to skip over rather than the lake which we know we need to paddle through. It’s also busyness, tiredness, and kids. They are great places to hide!

Fear makes us feel dusty, old, tedious, and pitted. It’s worse than a hacking cough.

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Personal Growth

Two Lifechanging Words From Seth Godin

May 25, 2015

Years ago, I heard an interview with Seth Godin where he was talking about how to approach projects. He said two words that completely changed my life…

1. Simple

2. Scary

The idea he presented was this:

Keep your projects simple enough that you can get them off the ground quickly, but scary enough that you know you are doing brave work, work that matters.

I love this approach, especially since we don’t know if an idea (a brave idea) will work!

Simple allows us to keep moving forward because we haven’t invested years or millions, and scary keeps us humble and human.


Personal Growth

Every Fluff Flies

May 11, 2015

Dandelions are really, really good at spreading.

They each develop fluffy, irresistible heads that shatter into a thousand parachutes and waltz off into the wind. Perfectly suited for sailing on the breeze, they twist and swing until they reach earth again.

Predictably, not all of the fluffs land on dirt. Some get caught on screen doors, others land on wooden decks, get tangled in little girls’ ponytails, and crushed into pavement. But every fluff flies. None refuse for fear their flight might not be successful.

Surely there is a lesson here. How we could be fluffs, ready and willing to sail the breezes of our lives?

Remembering our words and thoughts spread. Our ideas give hope and courage. Our uniqueness gives perspective.

Some of our ideas might not work. They might land in water glasses, or birds nests, but sailing is still worth it. Waltzing in the wind gives us the wild courageous look we are all attracted to. We love the ones who are willing to fly. Why not be sailors ourselves?

What do you have inside you that needs to shatter and parachute on the breeze?

What can you offer that gives us hope and encouragement? Do you have knowledge, passion, or empathy?

We need you to fly!