Living Intentionally Personal Growth

Permission to Move

September 26, 2015

We really just want permission in order to move don’t we?

Am I doing the right thing? Is it ok to decide I WANT something and go for it? What if this doesn’t work?

The problem with the permission slip is it also give us a slip from THE ART OF DECIDING and moving. Of dragging our doubtful bones to the edge of our own reality, showing ourselves the great beyond… and then stepping into it.

The DECIDING and STEPPING is one of the most beautiful parts of being human!

We get to choose the tension of the vision rather than the lull of the quick solution. It’s the wild place, a place where we churn and light shatters and unexplained-s pull and beckon… the place where the brave part of us is finally, finally birthed.

Imagine. Decide. Move. Offer >>>>>>>> Over and over again.


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