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The Reason To Do The Work You Do

It can’t be for other people. It won’t stick. It can’t be for a response. Sometimes the greatest work goes unnoticed. It has to be for your own fulfillment. It has to be for the feeling of knowing you poured your very best out,…

February 21, 2013
Personal Growth

What Makes You Itch?

A friend just posted this video on his blog. It slapped me right across the face! Therefore, I wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it will inspire you like it did me to keep stretching, reaching, pushing and working towards that work which is…

October 18, 2012

The Lighter Side: We’ve Done Something Wonderful

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful. That’s what matters to me.” – Steve Jobs Question: Have you done something wonderful today?  …

October 6, 2012
Personal Growth

Helen Keller On Happiness

In light of my recent post on happiness, I thought this quote deserved a post of its own. “Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” ~ Helen…

September 25, 2012

5 Questions To Ask To Be More Intentional

If we want to live a life that’s filled with purpose, meaning, and passion, we need to be intentional about the questions we’re asking ourselves. It takes thinking ahead, a little bit of planning, and a lot of execution to get to where you want to…

June 22, 2012

My Calling Doesn’t Wear A Diaper

The latest issue of Success Magazine has arrived in the Good household. On any given day when the magazine first arrives, you can find one of us carrying it around, keeping it handy to fill a free moment. That moment arrived for me just…

May 16, 2012

Seeking Discomfort

It’s so easy in life to gravitate towards what is easy and comfortable. It takes much less effort than challenging ourselves and trying something different. By taking the easy route, we can just coast along. However, I’ve learned by my own experience and by…

March 26, 2012

It’s Going To Be A Good One…

I used to manage a horse farm. In fact, that is what I went to college for. They were always my passion. As a small girl growing up in Lancaster, PA, I dreamed a runaway horse and buggy would drive by and I would…

March 18, 2012

Did That Just Happen?

  Did you ever get the feeling that you are being watched? Or that maybe that person you talked to isn’t really that person that you talked to? Or that your life is pretty much like the Jim Carrey movie, The Truman Show, and you…

December 8, 2011