Personal Growth

The Beauty Of A Project

June 13, 2013

Photo Credit: Stuck in Customs via Compfight cc

At one point in my life I was under the impression that change was wrong and if I loved change, it meant something was majorly wrong with me. Unstable, unreliable, and wish-washy were words that routinely ran through my head whenever I considered any major change.

What I have realized since, is I can bring about change in my life through many different avenues. Change doesn’t always have to mean a move across the country, or a job change (although I do these as well).

This is where I have discovered the beauty of a project. I have found projects to be a great way to both bring about healthy change and get awesome things done!

My projects may take anywhere from 30 days to a year. However, I try to keep them around the 6 month mark. As long as I know when the project is complete, I can move on to something else. I am happy.

So what makes a great project? For anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset like me, there are 3 guidelines to a great project that Dan Miller lays out so well:

  1. It should align with your values, goals, and passions
  2. It should use your skills and abilities
  3. It should have a clear economic model (a potential way to make money)

There are also 2 hard and fast rules:

  1. Deadlines are the brackets in which all great projects reside. Projects need a deadline or they have the tendency to keep going on, and on, and on, and on, like a bad first date. They turn from a fun, amazing idea, into a dreaded, soul sucking one.
  2. You must allow yourself to ride the ‘roller coaster’ of a project while holding the end result loosely (don’t get to attached to the outcome). The value comes in the experience you get from doing something worth doing – the end.

Are you ready to start your next project? How can we help?

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  • 48DaysDan June 13, 2013 at 6:42 am

    Great post. Whether we “like” change or not, it is an absolute requirement for progress. And that’s where I always expect change to take me. While some people assume change is going to take away, I expect it to open the door to more of the life I want to live.

    • Alex Barker June 13, 2013 at 7:01 am

      So true Dan! You always have the best possible positive spin on things. Thanks for sharing

    • Claudia Good June 13, 2013 at 1:51 pm

      Thanks for your input. Funny, I remember writing you a question about this exact topic of change on your podcast- probably 2 years ago now – when I was in the midst of struggling with it. Your answer then really helped me to see my love of change in a new and positive light. I haven’t been the same since, so thanks a million!!!

    • Tom Dixon June 16, 2013 at 12:42 am

      Funny how our first thought about change is now it will impact us NEGATIVELY. There have been so many positives coming out of change for me that I crave a big change every couple of years.

  • Alex Barker June 13, 2013 at 7:00 am

    I was just writing my strategic plan for my business idea. What great timing Claudia 🙂

    Not exactly sure how you can help though. Perhaps, be an excellent promoter? Or accept guest posts when the time comes?

    • Claudia Good June 13, 2013 at 1:37 pm

      Awesome Alex, glad I could help!!

      Michael is brainstorming a plan for highlighting different people and their projects so keep us posted when your project is up and running! We’ll be glad to help.

      • Alex Barker June 13, 2013 at 5:32 pm

        Hopefully Late August! I’ll keep you posted for sure 😀

        • Michael Good June 13, 2013 at 8:30 pm

          Alex, looking forward to seeing you launch your project!

  • Ann Musico June 13, 2013 at 7:16 am

    As always Claudia your post resonated with me! I just completed two projects I am VERY excited about – one is my Free 7 Days to Feeling Great Challenge – the first time I’ve done anything like that.
    ( or

    And Caroline Gavin and I just released our Healthy Business, Healthy Body, Healthy Life 40 day program – again a first for me!! ( or

    If you would be kind enough to share them – I would be so appreciative!

    • Claudia Good June 13, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      Awesome Ann! You’ve got some great things happening, good for you! I’m sure you have put a lot of work and thought into these things, I’ll help spread the word!

      I love that you were able to join up with Caroline Gavin!! What a great idea, both business and health play such an important role in our overall happiness!

      p.s. Michael is brainstorming a plan for highlighting different people and their projects so stay posted for this as well… 😉

      • Ann Musico June 13, 2013 at 2:15 pm

        Thanks Claudia and I will certainly stay posted!! You guys always have something cool going on.