
Wassup With The Name of Your Website?

December 1, 2011

Rise /rīz/ verb or noun

To go higher; to ascend; to extend upward; to get up after kneeling or lying down; to come over the horizon; to swell up; to become greater or go up; to go up in the world; to emerge over the horizon; to come to life; to leave a bed or a place of reclining or sleeping; to adjourn an official meeting; to rebel; to affect a sense

I love the definition of this word! That’s why we chose it.

Let’s RISE, people!

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  • Sarah December 4, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Michael that sounds great! I love the name of your site. Woo!

    • Michael Good December 4, 2011 at 10:00 pm

      Thanks, Sarah…. I love your WOO. I’m wondering if my version of WOO would be GOO?! Doesn’t seem to quite have the same effect but I think I could pull it off.