Personal Growth

When life is flying on by (6 ways to counter this)

November 21, 2014

Recently, I’ve been thinking about how in all our busyness, life can seem to fly on by at breakneck speeds. I find myself thinking things like, “Wait, it’s the end of the month already? I thought the month just started!”

It’s then I realize that I’ve probably had my head buried in something for too long. I’m not fully present and it’s making the days fly on by. It could be that I have my head buried in my work, a house project, or just all the weekly activities I’ve committed to. Either way, life is flying on by and I look up wondering where it’s gone.

In trying to counter this, I noticed it makes a huge difference when I allow time for things like introspection, reflection, reading, and silence.

And the irony is that the less we feel we have the time for these things, the more we actually need them. It’s the days where everything seems to be going crazy and that we need to go go go that we’d benefit the most from slowing down.

So, next time the days seem to be flying on by, try one of the following:

1. reading a few pages in a good book (this is my current one)

2. sitting in silence for 5 minutes (here’s a fun challenge)

3. browsing in a bookstore

4. writing a list of 20 things that have happened so far this year that you’re grateful for

5. playing with your kids

6. going to a coffee shop to read or work

Remember, the less we feel we have the time for these things, the more we actually need them. Try it. I think you’ll be surprised.

For you, what works when life seems to be flying on by? What would you add to the list?

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  • Ann Musico November 21, 2014 at 4:08 pm

    Great tips Michael – yes – the time seems to be flying and while I thought it was a consequence of getting older, even my kids say the same thing! Especially love the sitting in silence challenge – harder than it seems like it should be.

    • Michael Good November 22, 2014 at 9:49 am

      Thanks Ann, I too often thought it was the fact that we have two young children now that the days seem to be going so fast. But then I hear others with no kids say the same thing. Go figure…
      Thanks for your input!

  • Bruce R. Cross November 21, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    Michael – you hit a home run here; love the DARING GREATLY book….be Vulnerable!

    • Michael Good November 22, 2014 at 9:51 am

      Hey thanks, Bruce. I appreciate it! Yes, Brene Brown’s book is great. And very challenging too!