Michael and I talk a lot about the DISC personality profile (affiliate link). We do this because it changed our lives and our marriage, so we can’t help but talk about it!

photo by hang_in_there
Next on my list is to take the StrengthFinder 2.0 test (affiliate link). Michael has already done this. I am next. The test simply brings clarity on what your true strengths are so you can focus on pursuing them.
Knowing your strengths brings clarity and a much needed filter for life’s many decisions. Work, volunteer positions, even family roles can all be filtered through strengths.
Knowing my strengths enables me to move forward in my areas of strength rather than ending up in positions that would be best suited for someone else. “What,?!” “No, I have never done that, and I have no idea what you are talking about!” 🙂
Ok, so, yes. We have all been in those situations. Wouldn’t be wonderful to avoid them in the future? Knowing your strengths and personality type is a major key in doing this.
Here is one instance from my life. Had I known my strengths I am confident it would have greatly altered the situation.
A few years ago I lived on and managed a horse farm. I was in charge of seeing to the needs of 30 high-end eventing horses and their owners. I basically lived and breathed horses for 2 years.
I was in charge of every aspect of their care. I blanketed them in the winter, I cleaned their stalls, I walked them to and from their fields every day. I nursed their wounds, gave them medicine when sick, and measured out daily portions of food for each and every one.
Rain, snow, sleet, and hail, it was me and the horses.
For some, this would seem exhausting. For me, I loved it! Well, I loved half of it.
I loved taking care of the horses. That was it.
I did not enjoy managing the people. There is a huge difference between managing horses and managing people.
I labored over decisions, dreaded confrontations, and cried when I was questioned or felt misunderstood.
Since leaving the position I have grown in my leadership abilities and would do many things different if I was there now. The difference is, however, I wouldn’t put myself in that same position now because I know more about my personality and strengths.
Life teaches us lessons and the important part is to learn from them. No regrets, no wishing you had done it differently. Learn and move on, wiser.
So, my next step on this life journey is to fully clarify exactly what my strengths are so I can continue move forward in life with effectiveness and confidence.
Want to join me? I’ll be taking the StrengthsFinder 2.0 test and reviewing my DISC personality profile.
Question: Have you taken the StrengthsFinder 2.0 test or the DISC personality profile?
I have taken the personality test (years ago during my graduate school days) I only remember being surprised at how accurate it was. Yep, that’s me. I agree that information is a great tool to help you focus. I think it would be very interesting to take again now that I am older and a little more insightful. The strength test sounds interesting too. I have really been enjoying your posts!
I know, itsn’t that amazing… it feels like someone is explaining yourself to you!
You said it would be interesting to take it again, I have heard so many people say that they took it again and they had changes in how the test turned out. I would like to take it again in a year or so myself to see what it shows 🙂
Hey, thank for that! I enjoy writing! 🙂
YES!!! I LOVE Strengthsfinder! It is one of the key personality tests I use with career coaching clients. I am so happy you and Michael are taking these tests and continuing to dig deep to understand yourselves and each other. Even the experience of learning your strengths is a strengthening experience – it builds confidence! My top 5 strengths are: Restorative, Individualization, Futuristic, Woo, Activator.
Rock on, my friends!
Haha thanks Alana!
Your rock on made me smile… I often say that too 😉
Oh cool, I’m glad you found it helpful. I know Michael has, so I am excited to take it as well.
What is woo????
Here is a short description of Woo. I will e-mail you a slightly longer description. 🙂 I was most excited to find out this was a strength of mine, because growing up, I was told that I acted differently depending on who I was around. It was looked up as a negative. When I took the Strengthsfinder test, this came up through “Woo” except it was described as a STRENGTH! It means that I can related to people from many different backgrounds and walks of life and make ALL of them feel comfortable! 🙂
Woo: People who are especially talented in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.
I really like woo. I probably would test high in it too!
Dan, if you take the test, let me know what you’re top 5 strengths are. I’m curious! Be sure to purchase a brand new book – there is a one time use code in the back. If you get a hold of a library book or used book, chances are high you will not be able to take the test. It’s totally worth it – both for you personal and professional life.
oooooohhhhh interesting! So you woo people to you huh?! ;)What freedom to find something that you thought of as negative is actually one of your strengths. Cool!
I did take the DISC test and the strengths test sounds interesting as well. I love what you said: “Life teaches us lessons and the important part is to learn from them. No regrets, no wishing you had done it differently. Learn and move on, wiser.’ That is pretty much the best illustration of maturity I’ve heard!
Yea, I’m excited to take it Ann… if it proves to be as revealing as the personality test, you might never hear the end of me raving over it!!! 😉
I’ve taken both tests and they are invaluable. What is interesting is I took the test about 8 years ago on 48 days website, then took it again last year and noticed the little things that changed and what stayed the same. I have to say that the most current report on 48 Days is great to use. Funny, I was just telling my wife that we must get her DISC tested so we can “compare”. I’m sure it will help me as much as it will her.
I have heard lots of people say that Michael. I guess it goes to show that we do indeed change 🙂
haha that is cool that you were just talking about it with your wife. We loved doing it together… it was so helpful!!!!
Michael, I think that’s a great idea to have your wife take the DiSC! It has made a huge difference for Josh and I as we communicate with one another – it helps us to not take our disagreements so personally and has also given us tips on how to communicate more effectively. I’m considering doing a workshop for married couples on the DiSC.
[…] those that aren’t aware, I wrote a post a bit ago about taking the StrengthsFinder test. Here is the link if you want to order your own […]