
Don’t Be Lame, Crack The Egg With One Hand

December 19, 2011

One of the changes that I want to make is to try new things more often and be more adventurous.

For example:

Recently, Claudia showed me how she learned to crack an egg with one hand and told me how it was helpful while holding our 4 month old.

While making breakfast a few days later (not holding our 4 month old), I thought, “I should try it.” However, I soon shot the idea down knowing that I had tried it years ago without success. After all, I can make eggs just fine with my two hands.

This is where I caught myself. I know life is fuller and richer when we try new things and expand our horizons. It breathes energy and creativity into you.

If we want to try new things and expand our horizons with the big things in life, we need to also do it with the little things.

Here is the result of my decision to try something new:

[tentblogger-youtube G-SvZ0MBzts]

I tried something new and it was a success.

As a side note, I’m curious if anyone knows who I was listening to in the background. Any guesses?

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  • Jody December 20, 2011 at 9:09 am

    Sounds like Justin Lukasavages in the background. Great job with the eggs and embracing even seemingly insignificant challenges; they all add up!

    • Michael Good December 20, 2011 at 10:12 pm

      You got it, Jody! Justin Lukasavige. And you’re right, those little challenges add up. Plus, they spur creativity.

  • Ryan Ash December 20, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Good job, man! It’s all about pushing the limits of our comfort zone. It’s not easy! And yes, I believe that’s http:coachradio.tv in the background.

    • Michael Good December 20, 2011 at 10:18 pm

      That’s right, Ryan. I don’t want to be lazy and just do something because it’s always what I’ve done. And, you got it, http://coachradio.tv!

  • Anonymous December 20, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    no doubt it’s Justin, but what I really wanted to say was “way to go in getting me to comment…I wouldn’t have done it unless you would’ve put the listening challenge in there.” I’ll learn from that!

    • Michael Good December 20, 2011 at 10:26 pm

      That’s it, Dave, Justin Lukasavige. So, you liked the challenge part. I think you’re right, there is a lesson in that.

  • Darrin Greene December 20, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Thanks Michael for posting this. Every aspect of our lives needs what you are talking about. If we don’t allow change, that area will become stagnant.
    On another note, you should go for the two-hander.

    • Michael Good December 20, 2011 at 10:28 pm

      Darrin, I guess it’s like a full body workout, challenging and strengthening every area. I like to two-hander idea, by the way.