I’ve been fired twice in my life. I’ve heard you haven’t truly lived till you have been fired two or three times. I guess I can breathe a big sigh of relief knowing I am now truly living.

photo by Adam Foster | Codefor
In neither situation did I see it coming. In fact, it was just the opposite, I thought I was doing a great job.
It is funny thinking about it now, and as I write this I have to laugh. I didn’t fit the bill of the typical girl who gets fired from her job for not showing up or taking too many breaks. Needless to say, I got the boot and I tell the story with pride as part of my scattered, wounded, and beautiful past which has made me who I am today.
I remember both instances with great clarity. It felt like I had been whacked over the head with a cast iron skillet and the tears I shed after each were heart wrenching. Probably what was wrenched more, however, was simply my pride.
The first time, was on Michael’s birthday. We were dating at the time and I was taking him to the National Aquarium in Baltimore for a special birthday surprise.
I got the call of doom on our way there. “It just isn’t working out,” said the Dr’s assistant in a pinched and overly kind tone. “Don’t worry about coming back on Monday, just stop by and pick up your stuff.” I could tell she felt sorry for me and I didn’t know what was worse, her sympathy or being fired and pushed out the back door.
The second time, my boss told me to my face, but in a round about way that was supposed to make me feel better, I guess. He told me I was going to be moved to an “on call” position rather than my full-time one. It was like he had cut off my one leg but was patting me on the back saying kindly, “Don’t worry, you can still finish the race with one leg.” I finished the job for him, I cut the other leg off and ended that day.
What I have realized is this. These firings have not only helped me in life, but have propelled me in life. They used to be a point of shame and confusion. Now I look at them with a thankful heart knowing they helped me take the next step, whether I was ready to do so or not.
Sometimes getting fired forces you to do something you wouldn’t have done on your own. It makes you step back and say, “Now what?”
For me both instances became a crossroad, a turning and walking a new direction, a time of re-evaluating. If we let them, these “knock you over the head with a frying pan” times become valuable beyond measure, the most pivotal times in our lives.
I look back thankful to have been fired, chopped, whacked, whatever you want to call it. I was forced to step to the next rung on the ladder of life. And, I can tell you with great confidence, the view from up here is more amazing than I could have ever imagined!
“Failure is just part of the process, and it’s not just okay; it’s better than okay. God doesn’t want failure to shut us down. God didn’t make it a three-strikes-and-you’re-out sort of thing. It’s more about how God helps us dust ourselves off so we can swing for the fences again. And all of this without keeping a meticulous record of our screw-ups.” ~ from Love Does by Bob Goff
Question: Have you ever been fired? How has failure helped you in your life?
Yes Claudia I was fired once – from my first job when I was 18. It definitely was a good thing because it made me find another job with a company I worked for for 5 years and it was a much better fit for me. I made some really good friends there too and as you said – every experience works to make us who we are meant to be – whether they seem to be good or bad at the time – God works it all for our good if we let Him.
Wonderful news Ann 😉
How did you feel at the time, it being your first job??
I was initially devastated and really ashamed – but it turned out to be a good thing, as you described.
I guess you could say I’ve been fired. I had a position at a Christian book store and was doing a fine job. Fine enough that I had the opportunity to be promoted to the assistant manager position at a location an hour away. While I wanted the position, the drive and added Sunday work hours didn’t mesh with my work/life desire. I had to turn it down. That led to me being let go.
Oh well… It also led me to start my own company and then move into full time work with another company, more than doubling my pay. Guess that failure really paid off!
Congrats on living and learning!
I didn’t know you started your own company, what was it??
Thanks Claudia. It was definitely an experience.
It was a computer repair business. Though I didn’t do much in terms of sales or service, starting the business opened the door for me to get into my current position as the IT guru at a manufacturing company.
Sweet! I’m sure you gained a ton of experience… so cool another door opened to an even better fit down the road.
I see you taking action on things… what a great way to pursue life!
I loved hearing about this! Isn’t beautiful how pain turns into something beautiful! Embracing failure is not always easy….but it is crucial to success. Nope, I have never actually been fired…although I think I would have been once if I had not quit before the firing took place.
Yes indeedee!! It is a true part of my lovely past 🙂 And you are so right, not always easy but crucial to success!!
So you were smart and saw the boot coming huh!? That’s why I like you so much, you have great intuition!!! 🙂
Oh, no! Apparently, I’m not really living yet 🙁 I haven’t been fired. I’m sure Steve’s thought about it on several occasion though when I didn’t get through my to-do list. Actually, there have been times when I’ve suggested that he fire me 🙂 This weekend I gave myself a promotion to 90Revolutions’ “fun manager” because he’s forgotten how to have fun. We went for dinner and a 3D movie as a family. I love my new job!!!
I guess you better get crack-a-lackin!! 😉
So, you gave yourself a new promotion huh?! I love it! That is the thing when you are working for yourself, not only are you in charge of dictating what needs to be done when and what is most important, you are also in charge of telling yourself when you are doing a great job and when it is time for a promotion or a swift kick in the butt!
Well done my friend! Embracing whimsy is what I like to hear! And you Berkey’s are becoming pretty experienced in this area I have to say!
p.s. When are you coming to sleep on our couch again!?
Oh I know this street too well! Getting fired has propelled me in many ways that I couldn’t see then, but now I realize how much it has truly shaped me.
Haha, indeed Rob! You have recovered and rebounded with vigor!
The last “real job” I had I was let go on my 90th day. That was the best ride home from work in my life.
Haaahahaaaa Jerel, I remember that time! I think you stood at least 2 inches taller after that!
Love how you have since consistently pursued things which you enjoy and make you come alive!
Well, I’ve kind of lived, I guess. I got fired for one job, and another I didn’t get “fired” from I just got “thrown under the bus” but was allowed to stay there (pretty much as bad as being fired). Both times were a HUGE hit to my self-confidence, made me depressed, etc. I’ve always tried my hardest at what I do, and being punched in the gut hurts!
But I will say that I certainly am much happier today being away from those jobs, than if I would have stayed in those positions. God is in control, and I think that things are truly working out for the best! I’ve learned so much from the bad experiences, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to have learned those lessons.
Oh that sounds awful Ryan! I agree with you, it doesn’t feel good, especially when you are giving it your all!
What a great approach to be able to look back grateful and thankful for the opportunity to learn!
Thinking of you guys and little Ash!!
I am feeling rather inadequate here – never been fired, but mainly worked for my dad or with one of his friends on a construction rig. Since getting a “real” job out of college, I left a job I didn’t like and moved to another one – since then I’ve seen 20+ layoffs in 11 years with them. After awhile my prayer was “God, If I keep my job – THANK YOU. And God, If I lose my job – THANK YOU!” All that pressure of the hatchet looming over my head did cause me to dive into personal growth in a big way and learn about myself better, so I would be ‘prepared’. As a byproduct, I think all that reading and listening to tapes, going to seminars actually gave me more “security” in my current place. I’m not sure how I’d handle getting fired to be honest, but I know it would only be an opportunity to grow. And that is good.
Michael, Wow, 20+ layoffs?! That’s a lot.
Sounds like you handled it well and decided to see things on the bright side. I’m sure it was tough through it all knowing you had a family back home and needing to provide for them. Way to not let it keep you down!
oops, wrong Michael 😉
Wow, I guess that would put me on the edge of my seat as well!! Have you ever wanted to look for another job because of it?