
Live Like A Tree

November 12, 2011

I like trees. 

I think I need to be more like a tree. 

They let their leaves fall at the end of a season. That alone is amazing! They let go! Many of my leaves are so old they could be put into a museum, prehistoric.

I like trees. 

I like how they keep growing. Nothing stops them (unless they die).

The roots push through the foundations of houses, break apart ‘unbreakable’ concrete, bend steel beams and twist through pipes rendering them useless. Always growing towards what? More nutrients, more LIFE!!!

I like trees.

They are understated. They don’t show off. They seem humble and deeply wise – like a grandpa that has lived a long full life and has sparkling eyes.

Trees are wounded and scarred and broken and they just keep growing! They LIVE!!!

I think I want to be more like a tree.

I like trees.

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