Have you ever thought about making money online? The benefits are many and include increased freedom and flexibility. You can even make money while you sleep!
This is what Michael and I are ultimately pursuing.

Pat Flynn
I have been listening to the Smart Passive Income podcast by Pat Flynn and this guy rocks! He has multiple streams of income all online and supports his family (very well) with no 9-5 hours and no daily commute.
That, to me, is a dream job!
Listening to him makes my mind come alive with creative ideas of how to bring in an income while staying at home. If you set it up right, you could also have a location free income, which is also one of our dreams.
If you haven’t heard Pat Flynn yet, check him out! The stuff he talks about will blow your mind. There are so many creative ways out there to make a living doing something you love!
Question: Have you ever considered making money online?
You’re right, Pat Flynn is terrific. I’ve listened to him since hearing him on another podcast. Blew me away!
I have thought about making money online. And I’ve created a trickle of income from it so far. Hoping to blow it out of the water one of these days.
I know right Joe! That stuff is amazing!
What have you tried? Any advice?
Just some affiliate marketing for my blog and Amazon.com links. It’s brought in enough to keep the site up and going for the next year.
For me, it’s been about being an affiliate of companies that would help my readers. So I’ve got ads for Standard Theme, some Dan Miller stuff, and a couple of other companies. The same thing should work for you. Promote what you use and love and what your readers would enjoy.
Sounds like some great advice Joe, thanks. I’m excited to pursue some of these options.
I have heard him and he’s great! And yes, that is definitely my goal with my coaching and my income streams!
I love that Ann, and you are rockin it!
I’ll check out Pat Flynn’s site and podcast today!
I like Dan Miller’s term – SWIS dollars (Sales While I Sleep). I’ve had Multiple Streams of Income book for years and have only invested in Stocks so far – and you know the past record on that! It would be interesting to get some fresh ideas a-brewin’.
I think you will really enjoy his stuff! He gives great examples for ideas and how to implement them and his podcasts are just plain fun to listen to 😉
Let me know what you think!
Never heard of Pat. I’ll check it out. I like the idea!
Cool, John. Yeah check him out. He’s a super nice guy and he’s totally killing it online.
I love reading Pat’s stuff. He really has a lot of helpful info on his site.
Totally Brent! I love how he is just honest and open, it is just awesome.
I’ve listened to a number of his podcasts, very insightful. Need a product, and become friends with E-junkie. 🙂 Pat started his fortune with an e-book on training for prison / security guards if I remember correctly. Crazy!
Perfect word – Insightful!
You just need your product now huh? You have one in the works?
I have one in process. It will be “Getting started with making and selling Microstock photography”
Awesome Jason… I like it!
Right now I’m targeting a video created from “screen recording” and accompany a .pdf reference file. I’ve run it past 2 people, and see the need to add more content that I don’t yet have. I have to add some more examples to it, and add more “value” to the package.
Michael, thank you so much for the mention and kind words – I’m deeply honored that you’d take the time to share my podcast with your readers. That makes doing it all worth it for me 🙂
Cheers, and all the best to you and your audience here!
Whoops, I said Michael because Michael tweeted it out, but thank you too Claudia! My apologies for missing you in my first comment!
Hahaha, no problem Pat!
Thanks for the drop by!
More than happy to spread word of your podcast, you have killer content and it is just plain fun to listen to your stuff!!!
Keep rockin over there at http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/!!! And congrats on the baby girl! 🙂
[…] Pat Flynn […]