When it comes to doing something on your own to make money, I have heard people say, “Just get in the game and try something.” While this is good advice and something that has worked great for me, this concept deserves clarification.

photo by spaceodissey
For example, let’s say you hate your job and have a grand dream to build a big technology company. You figure it will take 5 years to scale. Your mortgage is due on Friday. Not a great plan for the moment.
It is true that there are good and not so good times to try things.
So, before we invest 5 years of our life into one single plan not knowing whether it will succeed or fail, is there another way?
Yes, there is.
It is called SSP – Scary, Simple Projects.
Scary, Simple Projects
Scary – These projects are the ones you want to do but don’t want to do at the same time. They are scary and thrilling all in one breath. That is why you are afraid to do them. If they don’t work, it could be embarrassing or maybe you will lose some money, but they also won’t cost you 5 years of your life.
Simple – They are easy to start and scalable. You can start them today or tomorrow or next week or month. They don’t take years to finish. They are simple and don’t have a lot of steps or moving parts.
Projects – They have a start time and a deadline.
The beauty of SSP is you are pushing yourself to new levels while getting your feet wet. You are getting out there and doing something. This creates more momentum which, in turn, has all kinds of wonderful effects on your psyche.
Two personal examples
1. This blog
It was scary for us to start. It was simple to assemble. We had a clear plan: post every day for 1 year. We had a clear deadline, 1 year.
2. Our book (available here on the site next week!)
It was scary to write a book. It was simple. We laid out a basic outline and wrote from our own experiences. We had a clear starting point: December 15, and a deadline: January 15.
We didn’t allow for extra time to think and wade in fear or doubt or self-analyzation.
We have used the SSP approach often. It has paid off huge. We get to experiment, try different things, and see what happens. No time lost, no huge investments made.
Oh, and don’t talk about it before you do it. Just do it and then talk about it. Trust me, it’s easier! 😉
Question: Have you ever done something with an approach similar to SSP? How did it go?
I like that Claudia – scary, simple projects! Yes, I’ve definitely done that before – my blogs, my newsletter and now the 12 week self-study course I am getting ready to put together!
Awesome Ann! Let us know when it comes out, your stuff is so helpful!
The first thing that comes to mind for me is starting my own blog. I was most scared because I thought no one would come or join me in my journey. I almost didn’t start because of that reason. But now that I’ve started, it gave me confidence to pursue other things that I dream about – like public speaking. The blog has also opened doors for career coaching. I’ve enjoyed many things that have sprouted out of facing the fear of beginning a blog.
Annnnd… I’ve certainly been on the side of things where I talk about them (to lots of people) before actually starting. I agree, it’s a lot easier to just start/do it and THEN tell people. I think there is a time and a place for sharing beforehand with the right supportive people or your personal “board of directors” but I can recognize that what I did was not healthy. I ended up with a bunch of guilt for not following through.
Been there many times! Not all is lost however, I have gone back and done some of the things I let go of for whatever reason and it felt wonderful to simply follow through. I think we disappoint ourselves the most when we let important things fly away.
I truly LOVE how you are persistant at just getting out there and trying things! It is fun and inspiring!
First of all, congratulations on your book. Is this the first time you’ve mentioned it, or did I miss something during our unintentional internet fast? I can’t wait to get myself a copy. You guys rock!
Interesting that you should post this today. I’m in the middle of creating a SSP for 90 Revolutions.
Scary, yes. I’m notorious for dreaming and not executing, so the idea of committing and publicizing a project is scary.
Simple, yes and no. The idea is simple in that I’m (with the help of Steve) creating a 13 in 13 Challenge. Thirteen weeks of training to run a half-marathon (13 miles). I’ll be advertising (to the community through Steve’s PT clinic and a newspaper article he’s been asked to write for the local paper on health and fitness, through Facebook, through our blog, through another guys blog as a guest poster, and to people in our new church) and inviting others to participate. This part will be simple. Following through will be more challenging.
A project with a clear beginning and end… yes. Start date: tomorrow to begin to announce it, training starts on Feb. 15, the race is on May 19. I’m writing the press releases right now. Yikes!
I think this may be the first time we mentioned it on the blog 🙂 We’ve had the idea for awhile and just decided to make it happen pronto!
I love your SSP! Especially the idea of getting other people involved as a way to stay accountable and motivate each other… smart girl!
Hey, with a coach like Steve combined with your go-get um enthusiasm, I think success is written all over this one. It’s a new day my friend!
Great counsel…thanks for the wisdom and inspiration. And for shipping your art!
Hey thanks! And yes, I have been reading Seth Godin, how did you know?! 😉
This is a great strategy Claudia! With my first business, I just jumped in head first. Scary – yes; simple – no. Although I tend to be more of a Ready, Fire, Aim person 🙂
My newest business I have started as a SSP. Launching The Naptime CEO has been very scary, but it’s very simple. Right now it’s mainly just a blog and the Facebook page while I’m building an audience. I have plans for where I want to take it, but am fine if it just remains a blog.
Ok, now as I read this, I see I keep missing the Project (deadline) piece of it. Maybe I need to go revisit this for both businesses…
Thanks for your thoughts! Hahaha, so you are a ready, aim, fire girl huh?! At least you ARE firing!!
So, I love hearing your story and I haven’t gotten to hear very much about your pre self employed life. Did you have a regular job and jumped into your consulting business, or did you build it on the side?
Well, I planned my consulting firm while I was still working full-time at Bombardier, but when I quit to pursue my business full time I didn’t have any clients – or even the prospect of a client! Talk about Ready-Fire-Aim 🙂
Here’s the “official” story of launching my firm: http://www.operationsstrategyllc.com/about/ and here’s the behind the scenes story: http://thenaptimeceo.com/about/
(Hope you don’t mind the links but I thought it might be easier that putting it all in here.)
I don’t mind at all! It was fun to read!
I love hearing how you have melded your love and drive for business with being a present mama. I can definitely relate, and I’m sure a lot of other women can as well!
It is cool that you have been able to reach a new group now with Naptime CEO! Very excited for you!!!
I guess most of the things I’ve jumped into aren’t so scary since I enjoy doing them (writing, mentoring), but they are small for sure! Congrats on writing your eBook!
Well Michael,
I guess at least you know which one should be next! 😉
I think if something is scary, then that is a good sign it is something to go for.
well said Tom!