I hear this phrase a lot, “There are just not enough hours in the day.” It is kind of a silly phrase, but over the years I have come to accept it as truth.

photo by Artform Canada on flickr
I have come to realize by believing this lie, I along with countless others, have put off pursuing my dreams because I say I don’t have any time. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” is a common phrase that runs through my head.
I think we all intend to do many, many things with our tomorrows. And then tomorrow comes and the cycle repeats.
Michael told me about a podcast by Andy Traub and Andy Andrews. They talked about looking at your day as if you have more than enough time to do everything you need to do. In other words, have an abundance mentality even with your time.
I thought that was genius. I had never heard this before.
You see, we get into the habit of approaching life and our long to do lists from the standpoint that there is never enough time to get everything done. We fall asleep at night, never quite satisfied with our day and anxious about the one upcoming.
I am writing about this because I am dealing with this right now. I find myself saying things like, “I just don’t have the time to do…” and I am left feeling discouraged and out of control.
I have changed my way of thinking in many other areas, but I never once thought I needed to change my approach to how I talk about time and it’s availability. The truth is, I have as many hours as you have, as my brother has, as Andy Andrews has.
If I look at my life from the viewpoint that I never have enough time to do everything, I only get frantic and approach life in a reactive state, constantly putting out fires. If I am functioning in this state day in and day out, I will not only miss out on accomplishing many great things, I will always feel behind in life and unsatisfied with what I have done.
I am confident that as I change my thinking in this area, it will free me to not feel like I am being taken advantage of in life. I have control of my hours, and there are just enough hours to get the things done that I need to and want to.
So, here’s to time and the abundance of it that is available for me to use wisely!
Question: How often do you feel like there is more than enough time in your day?
It’s so easy to fall into that trap. I find myself doing the same thing, especially when I’m around others who often complain about having enough time.
I’ve been trying to change that mindset after listening to Dan Miller. He often states that we have the same amount of hours in the day as everyone else. It’s just how we use them.
I must have missed that Andy Andrews podcast. Do you know which episode it was?
Yes, yes, yes… that’s why the people we are around are so very important!!!
That is a good question… I have just started listening to the “In the loop” podcasts. Michael has been cruising through them and he told me about that snippet and it really struck me. I’ll ask him and see if we can track it down 🙂
Have you been listening to the Andy X2 for a while?
That would be great if you and Michael could. I’ve been listening to their podcast for probably the last 10-15 episodes. Might have missed it when he mentioned it but would love to revisit it if I did.
The Ax2s are putting out some killer content. So glad I stumbled across them.
So Michael just heard it mentioned in one of the podcasts but doesn’t remember which one. He said it was a very quick mention combined with changing your thinking in other ways as well (i.e. plenty of fish in the sea ideas)
It REALLY stuck out to both of us though because we have been struggling with getting so stressed about time and feeling like there is always to much to do and not enough time to get it done.
Changing my approach towards time has helped me view it in a calmer more productive manner. Instead of running around frenzied saying, “There is never enough time to get things done” I tell myself that there is enough time, it is just about using it wisely and productively.
Sorry we don’t know the exact one…
I believe that one of the secrets to living our days intentionally (rather than reactionally) and contentedly (rather than regrettably) is to “center” ourselves on a regular basis. Centering reminds us of our place in the world and calls us to evaluate why we are doing what we are doing and why we are being as we are being. When I run through my days chasing time, I lose the joy and meaning of that day. In fact, I have hardly lived that day. But when I slow down enough to “look within” and seek wisdom, I feel as I if have really LIVED that day.
Macrina Wiederkehr’s book called Seven Sacred Pauses encourages us to pause several times throughout the day to re-center ourselves. Sometimes I do this in prayer; other times with a few deep breaths; other times I sip and savor my cup of tea while enjoying the view out the window. I no longer look at these moments as laziness but as being alive an attentive to Life.
That is wisdom right there!
I love how you have allowed yourself those moments to re-center (which is a wonderful phrase and concept which I am going to tuck away) … and how you choose to view it as being attentive to life instead of being lazy.
You also talk about slowing down to seek wisdom. So important! Have been reading through Proverbs which constantly talks about the importance of seeking wisdom and it has impacted me greatly!
lovely my friend, you and your comment 🙂
Proverbs is a great inspiration to seek wisdom and a good place to find wisdom. Here’s to listening to the wise “Old One” who lives within us! 😉
Here is actually one of her prayers that I like to sometimes pray myself near the end of the day…
O Wisdom of the Years…
Give us the grace of tender seeing.
Help us to recognize and honor the wise one who lives at the core of our being.
May we always be open to being taught.
May we be able to let go of our work at the end of the day.
May we learn to bless and affirm each person who passes through the hours of our day.
May we lose our fear of those things which are transient.
May we learn the art of living well and dying well.
Teach us to end the day slowly, thoughtfully, gracefully.
Soften try driven part of us that we may learn to relax and offer all we re and all we do as a bouquet of life at the close of each day.
In the name of the Old One who lives in us, we pray.
thanks for writing this out!
I really love those middle verses – learn the art of living well and dying well, lose our fear of those things which are transient, learn to bless and affirm each person who passes through the hours of our day…
I think you would love Macrina’s book! Her prayers are poetic and beautiful and inspiring.
Great thoughts my sister. Thanks for applying…that’s where real life happens.
Hey thanks for the AWESOME stuff that you are putting out there! You are listened to often in the Good home and truly appreciated bro! We recently embarked on the “In The Loop” podcasts… you two are rockin it up!!
I feel like I have plenty of time in my day when it’s planned out, and more specifically when I get to start out a couple of hours ahead of the household – in quiet reading, planning, writing, etc. I get my “commitments” done and I feel like the rest of the day is all mine.
In the Bible, you’ll never find Jesus in a hurry. Funny thing. He knew he’d only live to be 33, but it was OK that the entire sick population didn’t get healed or all the dead raised up. He stayed on purpose, took time to rest and recup, never traveled more than a few miles from home, yet accomplished more than any other Earth-dweller.
I’d like to listen to that AX2 (funny) podcast. If you have the episode #, that would be great.
This perception is right on, Claudia… If I was struggling to find time I would be so worried about what’s not getting done, and never invest in my family and other important areas like I do now. Abundance mentality changes everything.
I think you called me out on this one! It seems that I do have the scarcity mentality when it comes to time; however, in the past I’ve worked so much that it was somewhat true. I’m now in a position where I don’t have to work nearly as much, but I still find that I need to change my thinking! You don’t have a link to that podcast that you mentioned do you? Sounds like it would be good for me to listen to that!
Ryan, the podcast was one the In the Loop podcasts with Andy Andrews and unfortunately we don’t the link. 🙁 It was probably one of the ones back in may or beginning of June.
It’s funny how our lives get full of all these things we “need” to do, isn’t it?
Hope you guys are well!
Yes, they really do! Speaking of “need to do”…I have a particular audio book that I need to get returned to a good friend. 😉 I’ll see if I can find that podcast. It sounds good.
We are doing well. Had some sickness for a bit, but better now. Hope the same for you all!
We are doing well as well. We’re working hard to get an ebook wrapped up and are looking forward to being beyond that push.
That’s right. I think you have The Traveler’s Gift? Glad you guys are feeling better!
Yep. That’s the one. Sorry I’ve had it for so long. We listened to it all on our recent trip, and I still want to go back and re-listen to a few parts. I’ll be sending it back soon. 🙂 Excited to see you guys ebook!
No problem with the audiobook. You can send it when you’re finished with it. Working in the final edits of the ebook tonight!
I really appreciate it! I’m excited to see it when it’s done!