
Watch Your Coffee

July 31, 2012

I once heard Tony Robbins talk about a concept that I have since found very interesting. He termed it, “Watch your coffee.”

What he was referring to is very similar to the verse in proverbs where we are instructed to “guard our hearts.”

The whole concept being, be very careful what you allow into your mind and heart. Because what goes in, is what will come out.

It is the same with coffee. If cream or sugar are put into the coffee, it changes the coffee.

I think about this a lot, especially since having a baby. The reason is quite simple. I have realized with my son, whatever I tell him, is his reality.

The words that come out of my mouth speak directly into his life and heart and affect his view of the world.

As adults, we surround ourselves with people and sometimes we aren’t very careful about who we spend our time with. We don’t think we are very affected by those around us, especially if we don’t agree with them. But we are.

The people I spend time with speak into my life whether I like it or not.

They speak through their words. They offer opinions, encouragement or discouragement, support or lack there of.

They speak words into our lives and the words soak into our hearts, just as rain soaks into the ground. It can’t be helped.

Think of it this way. The environment a child is raised in affects the outcome of the child. How can it not? Therefore, couldn’t we simply say the environment of people we are around affects our outcome?

I know so and so does this person.

You become what you think about and you think about what you put into your mind. It’s not only you who puts things into your mind, other people do as well.

I now “watch my coffee” and “guard my heart” very closely. I would challenge you to do the same.

Question: Have you been watching your coffee lately?

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  • Joe Lalonde July 31, 2012 at 6:22 am

    I do my best to “watch my coffee” but it can be difficult at times. We happen to let the wrong person in and before you know it things have changed. 

    • Claudia Good July 31, 2012 at 7:28 pm

      So true Joe! It sounds like you are speaking from experience. If that is the case is this someone you still know?

      • Joe Lalonde July 31, 2012 at 9:50 pm

        Haha, yeah I’ve had plenty of experience with this. It can be especially hard when they attend your church or are coworkers.

        • Claudia Good July 31, 2012 at 10:26 pm

          O… yes… that is tough! Just wear those huge ear protectors (the bright orange ones) no one will even notice that you aren’t listening! 😉

  • Ann Musico July 31, 2012 at 7:00 am

    Powerful and insightful post, Claudia.  I totally agree and I especially relate to how much what we as parents tell our children becomes their reality!  What a responsibility especially since all of us come to that parenting job imperfect and with our own baggage!  I am reading R. A. Dickey’s autobiography right now – both my sons read it and loved it and knew I would too.  The terrible things he experienced during his childhood, which he very candidly shared, really affected him all through his life so far.  It’s a really compelling read.  

    • Claudia Good July 31, 2012 at 7:30 pm

      I think of that every day Ann 😉 

      I haven’t heard of R.A. Dickey. What is his story? Would you recommend the book?

      • Ann Musico August 1, 2012 at 6:04 am

         R. A. Dickey is a pitcher for the NY Mets (I’ve been a fan since I was about 8!).  Anyway my boys read his autobiography and shared the book because they loved it so much.  I just finished it last night – it’s called Wherever I Wind Up.  It was really compelling because he suffered sexual abuse at an early age and there was alcoholism in his family as there was in mine.  He became a Christian as a teenager and he relates how his abuse and then his relationship with the Lord finally led him to wholeness today.  It was quite a story – and he didn’t sugarcoat anything.  I think what impressed me most was his honesty and transparency.  I would definitely recommend it.

        • Claudia Good August 1, 2012 at 6:27 pm

          Wow, that sounds amazing. Stories are so powerful! Especially told by the person themselves… with all the emotion and detail.
          That is cool that he has been willing to learn from and share his story!

  • Ryan Ash July 31, 2012 at 9:52 am

    Great reminder, Claudia! It really changes how we as adults think when we change who we surround ourselves with. If it’s so powerful for us, imagine how much of a difference our attitude, actions, example, words, and tone of voice make to our children!

    • Claudia Good July 31, 2012 at 7:32 pm

      Totally Ryan!
      I know, I think for some reason as we get older our filter goes down. We don’t think people affect us as much as when we are little… but it’s not true!

      Miss you guys, how are you adjusting to the apt?

      • Ryan Ash August 2, 2012 at 12:15 am

        Miss you all too! Skyler’s still pretty full of “Claudia and Jude” when he sees pictures.

        We’re adjusting well. Still trying to finish unpacking. 🙂

  • Michael Wright July 31, 2012 at 11:42 am

    A mentor of mine told me that each of us are the product of the 5 people we spent the most time with and the books we read.  So true.  This is why I enjoy your blog and the upbeat enthusiasm you have for life.  I want more of that for me and my family.  I drink my coffee black by the way!  

    • Claudia Good July 31, 2012 at 7:35 pm

      I have heard that too Michael! That is powerful, and I have no doubts that it is true!

      Thanks so much!! Hahaha, black huh? So when you guys come to visit I’ll know how to fix it! 😉 My Michael likes his black as well, and made in the French Press.

  • Rob Clinton July 31, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    Constantly! I never really used to think about how much of an influence on my life things and people that existed in my environment were. When I discovered this, I became very intentional with what I read, watched, and who I spent time with. If we want the best output in life, then I think it behooves us to seek the best input.

    • Claudia Good July 31, 2012 at 7:43 pm

      Totally Rob! 
      Haha, I like that you used the word “behooves!” I haven’t heard that word in a long time! Did I already say its great to have you back?!

      • Rob Clinton August 1, 2012 at 11:37 am

        And it’s awesome to be back! 🙂 Thanks Claudia… I picked up that word “Behooves” in the Marine Corps… Some of the Drill Instructors used that word often… i.e. “It would be behoove you to keep your eyeballs locked, or this entire platoon is going to wish they never knew you when I done with them”… Yeah, good times 🙂 lol…

        • Claudia Good August 1, 2012 at 6:25 pm

          Wow. That sounds just a little bit intense. Just a little. 😉

          • Rob Clinton August 3, 2012 at 2:25 pm

            LOL, You’re too funny! 🙂 Yeah, those were intense times…

  • Kent Julian August 3, 2012 at 4:44 am

    First off, I love coffee…so I was drawn to this post 🙂  Second, what a creative way to address the importance of staying attune to our though patterns. Great “thoughts” here, Claudia.

    • Claudia Good August 4, 2012 at 4:00 pm

      Haha thanks Kent! Glad it ‘caught’ your eye! 😉 

      Hey, I heard it on one of Tony Robbins talks and it really stuck out to me as well! 

      In fact I’m thinkin’ I’m gonna go get some iced coffee right now…

      Blessings Kent!