Depression used to be studied quite a lot in America, but apparently we are at the point where happiness is getting a much closer look. It has become a rarity and, therefore, is now worth studying.

photo by Sam Howzit
You ask most people what they want out of life and they will say, “I want to be happy.” Interesting.
Happiness has always intrigued me. I know some very happy people and I know some very unhappy people. I have always wondered what decisions, mindsets, or combination of both led the happy people to be happy. And, what led to the unhappiness of the unhappy?
I would like to hear some of your opinions on the topic of happiness. So today, I pose two questions to you.
1. When do you feel the happiest?
2. What are your thoughts on where happiness comes from?
Leave your reply in the comments of the post. I’d love your input!
Probably not surprising to you, Michael, for me personally, I’m happiest when I’m with my whole family, all the kids and we are enjoying being together. They happen to be may favorite people in all the world and it makes me happy just to think about them. I feel a type of happiness when I’m writing or working with a client and see my efforts making a difference. I say a type of happiness because that particular “happiness” comes through satisfaction. I think I equate “happy” with joyfulness. I think all of those positive and good emotions find their roots in love. Loving people, loving what I’m doing.
Great comment, Ann! No, that does not surprise me that you are happiest when you’re with your family. Many of the comments here are about being happiest when we’re with those that we love and when we’re helping others. Interesting…
I would agree. However, it’s so easy to think that we’re going to be happiest when our circumstances change. That’s not been the case in my life. When we get to that next thing, the new house, the new car, the new job, there’s always something more that we then want.
I think happiness too comes from realizing that life and success are a journey, not a destination and understanding how to enjoy that.
Excellent point Michael. Thinking this thing or that situation will “finally” make us happy is deceptive – there will always be something else to overcome or reach toward.
I agree with Ann. I’m the happiest when I’m with my kids, their spouses and my new spouse! I am happy when I think of them too! Just last night something reminded me of when my daughter was about 2 and a particular look she had at that time and I just smiled remembering her at that age. It made me happy! I am happy also when I am helping others do better, be better, feel better about themselves. Happiness is a state of mind that we choose I think. I can choose to let my circumstances make me sad or depressed or I can turn it around and choose to be happy because I’ve got so much more in my life to be thankful for. It’s rare that I stay down or unhappy for long as I refuse to let my place in life rule who I really am.
Love it Donna! I think you are spot on! Thanks for this…
I’m happiest when spending time with loved ones (wife, kids, parents, brother) and when I am doing things outdoors on our small “farm”. I like working on a task and seeing it come together and get finished with my own effort and sweat.
I think happiness is derived from your outlook on life and your attitude. Someone who is truly happy and joyful can find a “silver lining” to most any circumstance or situation. Those who are generally unhappy seem to find something bad about everything, even making things that are good seem bad.
Just my thoughts!
Well said, James. There’s always two sides to a situation and circumstance. Even the really good things, have some negatives about them. It’s a lot about what you choose to focus on.
I think it’s neat that you’re combining your love of outdoors and nature with your niche sites. Way to hone in on what you enjoy!
Sorry, John. Got you and James Dibben mixed up!
I am happiest when I’m with my family, helping others and encouraging them in your journey. I’m in agreement with Ann on happiness comes from satisfaction. It can be a job well done, being a blessing to someone else or often just enjoying the simple things in life.
Thanks for your comment Cindy! I love how you said helping others and encouraging them in their journey make you happy. Isn’t that interesting! 😉 Love it!
Such a thought provoking post. We all want to be happy. I think as long as we are desperately seeking happiness….we may never find it. Somehow happiness seems elusive if we chase. I think happiness comes when we are settled, peaceful, content, fulfilled. And that can come in many ways….but I think it is often way more simple than we make it….??
Something I have been thinking about a lot lately. 🙂
Love you and your thoughts Char 😉
Elusive huh? I see what you are saying here… chasing happiness, just for happiness often stays just out of reach….
I know I feel the happiest when I am using me to help other people. But it seems to be most fulfilling when I am functioning in my strengths to do so….
I know one of my strengths is futuristic thinking… so, when I help people dream again and have vision and energy for their future I feel very happy.
Hmmmm I am realizing this as I write 🙂
Not sure how to delete this comment….so I will just say ummm, hey!
*This is likely to become a post over at my men’s ministry site. This may be a little disjointed.*
Happiness is a choice:
That choice is NOT as simple as waking up each day and saying to yourself: “Today, I will be happy.”
I’ve been reading and re-reading the book of Job the last two days.
After God let Satan take everything from Job he got really depressed. Over the next thirty-something chapters Job spends a lot of time questioning God’s goodness. Job laments multiple times why anything bad could possibly happen to him.
Job was prideful. (We are all prideful)
Eventually God gets tired of hearing Job complain. In chapter 40 God speaks to Job and He isn’t messing around.
“Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.”
God goes on to basically put Job in his place. God asks Job to compare what he can do in his humanity to what God did through creation.
Job, realizing how small he is responds:
“Therefore I despise myself
and repent in dust and ashes.”
Once Job is reminded that he has no place to judge what God allows or does not allow he finally finds himself truly free.
The choice Job had to make, and the choice all of us have to make is to start each day remembering that God is our source for everything. In our own power and strength we deserve total destruction but because God is a loving and kind God we have life, and the opportunity to live forever with Him.
As a pastor of mine used to say: “I’ve read the back of the book and we win!”
Wow James,
Powerful and a wonderful reminder!
Thanks for posting this. Have you posted it on your blog yet?
How is your blog going?
I haven’t posted it yet. Hopefully this week. I need to organize it a little better.
Thanks for letting me rough draft it here.
The site is going okay. Traffic has slowed a little but that’s pretty normal after a big launch. The real work of writing hits once the flood of new ideas is exhausted and you have to create new content.
I’m sure you are all too familiar with that!
We experienced that slowing as well after starting James…
You know, new ideas was never a challenge for me (maybe because one of my strengths is ideation 😉 ) I just sit and literally start writing about anything and then a post eventually unfolds. I then go back and erase the ramblings. Sometimes the extra words need to just get out before the important ones can surface…
Do you have a store up of posts and ideas right now?
You know I love my “post ideas” folder in my emails. 😉
I forgot about that! hahaha that is why you seem to whip out a post so quickly!
… sometimes
Claudia, I do get a lot of writing inspiration. The problem is that I’m always driving or mowing the lawn. By the time I get to a pc I don’t remember the details.
That’s why I think today’s journal entry was one of my best in a long time. I was able to sit down immediately and write.
The site is looking good! I love the “Overheard at the Dibben house
.” Cool, creative idea.
Thanks, Michael! I wish I had thought of doing those quotes years ago. With four daughters there have been some pretty funny quotes.
You must be reading my walls! My idea pad reads “Things that make me truly happy….” – was geared from an idea from a book on St. Ignatius, that what makes us happy tells us much about how God wired and created. I think when we are most happy, we are reflecting the glory of God. And of course, tops of the list are family, specifically wife and daughter. They make me most happy, being with them and seeing them become fully alive.
I think being unhappy is key too though – when you’re unhappy, it might be a good time to dig in and thing about what deeper issues are there. It may be a catalyst to leave a job or fellowship with others, or whatever. Moving from unhappy to fulfillment.
hahahahaaaa, I am Michael!! 😉
I hear ya with being with your spouse and child… there is nothing quite like it! I am curious as to the name of that book on St. Ignatius???
[…] Keller On Happiness by Claudia Good Posted on September 25, 2012 In light of my recent post on happiness, I thought this quote deserved a post of its own. Helen Keller (photo credit: […]