So, you will notice that I talk a lot about podcasts, audiobooks, and other great sources of information that are out there for all to consume.

photo by drburtoni
Michael and I literally spend hours tossing around marketing ideas, talking through goals both personal and business, and talking about the latest podcast we listened to. I love thinking of growing a business online and what that would look like.
I just have one question.
Where are all the other moms and girls out there that have these same interests?
I know they are out there. I’m not saying everyone has to be like me, I understand many are not. Surely though there are more of us with entrepreneurial desires than are speaking up.
Any other ladies want to read Guerrilla Marketing or Thou Shall Prosper with me? 😉
I know there are titles geared toward entrepreneurial moms, but for some reason they make me squirm. I simply want to be a wife and mom that loves being an active part of brining in our income as a family.
I also want to put my skills, interests, and abilities to good use. I want to stretch my creative muscles, if you will.
Marriage and Business
Honestly, being interested in business has brought great unity to our marriage and truthfully I am a better mom because of it! My creative outlets are being fulfilled and the parts of me that aren’t a mom are able to be expressed.
I also love being an active member of our business. I know this isn’t for everyone, but for Michael and I, it brings such excitement and life. We dream together, we talk about our future goals and how to reach them, we cling to each other when times get tough, and together we figure out a way to make it work.
Providing for our family is not soley his responsibility or mine. We are a team, and when two individuals are working together, their strength is multiplied exponentially!
Because this is a topic near and dear to my heart and because I love sharing cool resources that changed my life, I want to mention a resource that has meant a lot to Michael and me. It’s an audio product called Living, Loving, and Working by Dan and Joanne Miller.
It is their story of how they have found unity, love, and fulfillment while working together on their business. I especially enjoyed hearing Joanne’s perspective as a wife and mother who took a great active and healthy role in helping bring in an income and being an active participant in their business.
In fact, here is one of her blog posts which I really enjoy!
Question: Have you found support on your entrepreneurial ventures?
SO good to see you Tuesday night! I can’t wait to listen to the podcast. And I would LOVE to read one of the mentioned books with you!!!
It was soooo lovely Char. I just had the most wonderful time being there, talking, laughing and enjoying the decor and the quiet peacefulness of being under the trees.
You are beautiful and I love our chats 🙂
Hmmm, if you are interested I am going to see what I can put together…
Claudia you always get me all fired up all over again! And I love that! Yes – I agree with you and always have. I never wanted all the financial responsibility to fall on my husband. We agreed early on that I would stay home with our kids and that’s a decision neither of us regrets at all. We have raised 3 amazing people who are all successful, wonderful young adults. But I have always worked at something from home and then when they were older and in school all day began with some local part time jobs. Over the past 4 years I have been working on my coaching and now the Beyond Organic and other income streams. It’s exciting to me and I love learning and I’m always reading. I was in the middle of Thou Shall Prosper and got side tracked with another excellent book but you motivated me to go back and finish it! I love what you and Michael are doing and building together – I think it’s wonderful and I pray my boys and my daughter each find a spouse that will do the same with them.
Wow Ann,
Thank you! And you always make me smile and fill my heart with encouragement! I guess we make a good team 🙂
I love hearing your stories of when your kids were young… It inspires me that you continually pitched in through many different avenues.
So, have you been enjoying “Thou Shall Prosper?” I’ve heard such great things about it. I am excited to learn all I can!
Yes, working together has been absolutely amazing for us. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I do wish for that unity for everyone!!
Yes Claudia I love Thou Shall Prosper and pretty much anything Rabbi Lapin writes! It opens up the scriptures in such a simple yet profound way for me. I get his Thought Tools in my email each week and I bought the two Thought Tool books and plan to use them as my devos next year. I am currently using 2 and don’t want to add too much to my plate in the mornings otherwise I won’t give any the attention I really intend to. I will look forward to hearing what you think of Thou Shall Prosper
Cool Ann,
Yea, we just got the audio version, so I will be walking and listening or driving and listening any chance I get 😉
I am not an entrepreneur and do not have any aspirations toward becoming one, but I do admire those that are. I love to come in as support staff or in a leadership role to help them grow. That is where I feel best fulfilled. Regardless of where we are in life, it is growing that is most important. How we accomplish that looks different for each of us. Way to go for you and Michael!
Thanks so much!I love that you know where you thrive and function best! You have blessed and will continue to bless countless numbers of people in that role!
I like how you said it is growing that is most important. Yes indeed!
Claudia – the coaching process with Rob Clinton is where that was brought to light very clearly for me. -:)
Claudia, those are two books I’ve got on my list to read. They have been recommended by so many such as Dan Miller and Dave Ramsey, and now you! I too have always wanted to be my own boss and have made small progress in that area over the years but haven’t gotten there yet. You and Michael inspire me so with your determination and drive. It makes me want it even more. Thanks.
Hi sweet Donna, 🙂
I’m used to chatting with you over in the 30 day challenge section… 🙂
I know, I keep hearing about them as well! So, I am excited to dive into one.
Wow, you have indeed made huge progress Donna! Think of all you have done to move in the direction of owning your own biz. Amazing, and you will continue to push in this area because it is IN YOU! 😉 You will keep moving, and keep pushing forward, I know it!
Thanks so much for your encouragement, that really means a lot!
I read Thou Shall Prosper in 2008 and loved it so much my wife read it right after me. We liked it so much that I purchased it for all my employees and several of them read it.
Thou Shall Prosper is such an important book especially with wealth under such attack in our society.
FYI Justin Lukasavige and I did back to back joint podcasts on this book. It was a LOT of fun.
Hey James,
What a great idea! That is a cool story, not many bosses I know would do that… very awesome!
Yeah I started the book (I got the audio version) and I love it already.
oh thank for including your links to your podcast with Justin! He is a great guy, love his perspective. I bet you guys had a blast hashing things out!
Claudia, I hope you can find or create your own Guerilla Mom group. You know, like a small group, Mastermind-like deal. That might work for the moms out there and push them all forward. I read Thou Shall Prosper awhile back and it is fantastic. In fact, you and Michael are already doing much of the things noted in the book (Living near a large city, Networking, Giving, etc…). My wife very much dislikes any sort of “talking” audio so we don’t talk about that stuff much. However, we are both very interested in building something that we can pass along to our daughter (should she be interested in the business). I grew up in a store and although alot of it wasn’t fun, it did teach me alot.
Hahahaaa “Guerilla mom group meetings” I don’t know I think it has a certain ring to it… don’t you think? 😉
Oh that’s cool that you got to read the book! We got the audio version and are really enjoying it. Puts things in a whole new perspective.
[…] What’s Up With The Lack Of Guerrilla Moms? […]
I will read with you, Claudia! I find that I have held my passion as a business woman soooo close to my heart, fearing (I guess). slowly my grasp is loosening and I cannot do it alone. I just downloaded Thou Shalt Prosper on my kindle….. Ready to begin. I hope I’m not too late!
Awesome Angel!!
You are not to late… I am about half way through – but injected Andy Andrews “The Noticer” in the mix. I’m just about finished with that one, so I will be picking back up with “Thou Shall Prosper” this next week!Char is joining us as well 😉