Personal Growth

Who Do You SEE?

March 28, 2015

When you look in the mirror, WHO do you SEE?

Do you see someone who is confident and excited about the life ahead of you? Or do you see someone who is tired, discouraged, frustrated, and angry?

Do you see a man who hurts people and scars friendships ?

Do you see a woman who always makes the wrong decisions?

A boy who is too sensitive?

A girl who is ugly?

A dad who always yells at his kids?

A mom who is lonely and insecure?

There are a million ways we can see ourselves. And each one has either been taught to us from childhood, or we ourselves have accepted it at some point along the way.

Whatever we see when we look at ourselves or even think about ourselves is our SELF IMAGE, and it is one of the most powerful forces you will ever experience in life.

Our self image is so powerful, that, for instance, if deep down we believe ourselves to be a failure, we must in all circumstances be a failure.

If we believe we are unlovable, or forgetfull, or bad, we will even self sabotage our own success (even in situations we have hoped, prayed, and dreamed will come true) because we can’t help but be consistent with our own SELF IMAGE!

You can see, therefore, the importance of exploring our own self images and dissecting what we truly think of ourselves.

We can NOT act out anyone but who we believe ourselves to be.

But, the amazing part is we can change our self image and become our “real” selves, the selves we were actually created to be rather than a limping, wounded version of ourselves.

God created you in his image. And if he created this (as only one of billions of examples) I don’t think you were meant to live thinking you are a failure or any other way other than amazing, talented, brave, courageous, successful, clear headed, confident, full of vigor, fulfilled, and deeply happy (to name a few).

If you are still alive, your life purpose is still ahead of you. You have not completely fulfilled your purpose here yet. And if you have an inclination that your self image needs some improvement (I think all of us fit into this category) you can work at changing it!

Here are two books I am currently reading myself to help me in this area, and I am loving them both!:

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwwell Maltz

At Home With Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott

And there are thousands of others!!!! List some books in the comment section that have helped you change your self image.

Lets live a full, fulfilling, wholehearted life shall we?!

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