Michael Hyatt
It’s great to have people we look up to, a person who is doing something we want to do and someone we can follow. They can be an incredible source of knowledge and inspiration.
It’s one thing to read their books and follow them online. It’s a whole other thing to actually meet them in person.
A few months ago, Claudia and I made a two-hour trip to hear Michael Hyatt speak at a Sunday morning church service.
I had been following Michael for quite some time, reading his blog, listening to his podcast, etc. But something happened when I saw him in person. It was like something “clicked” inside my head.
It’s difficult to put my finger on what exactly “clicked.” But as I’ve thought over it a little more, I pinpointed three things. They are as follows:
1. He became more real. Hearing Michael share his own stories in person helped me connect with him at a deeper level. He said something that really stood out to me, “I’ve never been in a position where I felt qualified.”
I saw how he has challenges to overcome like anybody else.
2. I realized he’s not any different from me. It’s easy to put someone like Michael Hyatt on a pedestal. He has done many incredible things like wrote bestselling books, he was the CEO of a major company, and he has started several very successful businesses.
But he started small, just like most everybody else. He worked hard and stuck at it and got to where he is today.
3. It reinforced the things I’ve been reading and learning. Hearing someone in person reiterate the things I’ve been reading about helped me grasp them at a new level. It helped me make the switch from theory to reality.
It’s great to have people we look up to. They can teach and inspire. When we meet them in person, it can have a dramatic impact on our lives.
Who was someone who, when you met them in person, had a significant impact on your life?
Just subscribed! Looks like a great resource!! Thanks so much for sharing. And I love your points…meeting somebody in person is so powerful.
Nice, Char. I know you’ll enjoy his stuff. By the way, I bet you’d enjoy his 3 part podcast series on marriage and entrepreneurship.
Here’s the link to the first episode: http://michaelhyatt.com/069-help-i-married-an-entrepreneur-part-1-podcast.html
Thanks, sounds really good!
Hope you got to say hi to him after the long trip. Mike is a great guy. Humble, hard working and authentic.
Hey Andy, actually he needed to run off to catch his flight, so no. But still well worth the trip!
Mark Gungor was a guest speaker at our church. How we approach things in our family has never been the same
I’ve heard great things about Mark. I see he’s coming back to LCBC in Feb for a conference.