A common struggle for many people is thinking their best years are behind them. If you really believe that, than you can stop reading this post right now. If, however, you believe there just might be a chance that your best years are ahead of you, you must continue.

photo by emilio labrador
David Schwartz says the following in his book, The Magic Of Thinking Big:
Really, it’s surprising how few people think they are “just right” age-wise. And it’s unfortunate. This excuse has closed the door of real opportunity to thousands of individuals. They think their age is wrong, so they don’t even bother to try.
Here are three ways he gives to cure yourself of age excusitis. That’s right. Kick it right out the door along with every other excuse as to why you can’t start living your best life right now!
1. Talk about your age to yourself and others from a positive viewpoint. Say things like, “I’m still young and spry,” not “I’m old and crippled.” Set goals and push yourself to new horizons and you will feel young and full of excitement as you did when you were a youth.
2. Compute how many productive years you have left. Assuming a person’s most productive years in life are from age 20-70, compute how many productive years you have left. Remember, a person age 30 still has 80% of his productive life ahead of him. And, the 50 year old still has a big 40%, the best 40% of her opportunity years left!
And, that is assuming the best productivity only lasts till 70! It can last so much longer if you wish it to.
As a friend of the author put it, “I’m going to live until I die and I’m not going to get life and death confused. While I’m on this earth, I’m going to live. Why be only half alive? Every minute a person spends worrying about dying is just one minute that fellow might as well have been dead.”
3. Start doing what you really want to do. It is never too late to start doing what makes your heart sing. It’s only too late if you think it is too late. Stop saying things such as, “I should have started this years ago.” Replace it with, “I’m going to start right now, because I believe my best years are yet to come!” What a life-giving way to think.
And if you still need a little more perspective, watch this. You will realize our age is not the important part. Our attitude towards our age is what makes age a wide open gateway or a blocked door.
Question: Have you ever struggled with age excusitis? How did you conquer it?
No! If anything I have been and still am the opposite. It’s funny I was talking to my brother the other day. He is 2 years younger than I am. I told him I talk to people in their 30’s and in my head I am thinking I am their age because that’s how I feel! He totally agreed. I wrote a blog post in 48 days about living to be 120. I believe what He says and in His eyes, I’m not quite even “middle aged” and I just believe the best is yet to come. I have always told my kids I plan to live to at least 120 if Jesus doesn’t return first – and I would always tell them how old they’d be along the way! I’ve said it for so many years, they just believe it now!!
Hahahaaa I love it Ann! Why does that not surprise me??!! Do you have a link to your post? I would love to read it! 🙂
Thanks for asking, Claudia – here’s the link: http://www.48days.net/profiles/blogs/late-bloomeror-right-on-time
Let me know your thoughts!
That was a great post!! Do you often post on 48 days?? I think that is where I first ‘bumped’ into you if I remember 🙂
I have never ever hear those verses referred to in that way, it was amazing! Definitely gives me something to think on and consider as I have often gotten caught up in the same way of thinking.
I am late, slow learner etc…
Thanks for posting that 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it Claudia – I try and post once a week – I had kind of let posting there slide for a while – but I’ve tried to be more consistent since we started the mastermind group.
I am the one that always says that I’m young, not getting older! I hate to hear people say how old they are and how they can’t do things because of their age. I tell them to try things another way but not to give up. It seems from reading your blog and others that are like “us”, we all are positive thinkers for the most part. We don’t stay down for long and are always trying to look at the glass half full instead of half empty.
Awesome Donna!
I love to hear that! I would say I am a glass half full person, yes. I wasn’t for quite a while and life was not nearly as fun 😉
Not in the least… I used to think, “ahh man, I better get all this done before 30, because after 30 I’ll probably be really mature and stuff and won’t want to do anything!
Now, I’m 37, and looking forward to what amazing discoveries my 40’s will even bring. I have a feeling, I’m going to always be able to embrace my age or who am I and what I can accomplish… I think passion gets stronger as I get older.
Looking forward to even greater years!
Great perspective, Rob! Your best years are yet to come.
I have this weird internal standpoint that I am still a kid. Not sure what that means, but my wife concurs – we both feel (mentally at least!) that we are still very young. 42 yrs old now and I still think of all the possibilities in career, volunteering and financially. I look at others and think they are older for some reason, but myself as a younger fella, just getting started – today. I have thought how I’d like to have done some things differently in my 20’s, 30’s, etc, but I actually enjoy where I’m at in life now. Both my wife and I don’t want to relive our past, younger days. We like the maturity that this time offers and we go forward in that.
Hmmmm I love that Michael!
Love this post! Like others here I usually think of myself as being very young. Sometimes I forget that my experience is an asset. The one exception is dancing… when I was a young girl I loved taking ballet, but at one point had to choose between dance and studying piano and I chose piano. When I had the opportunity to start taking ballet again this year at 38, I thought I am too old to start all over again! Fortunately, the creative director of the dance studio is a friend and she really encouraged me that it’s never too late. So here I am two months in to studying ballet again and hoping to be up on pointe by the time I’m 40!
Somehow I missed this comment!
Hey thanks!!
I love your story and your ‘young’ approach to life… and how our director encouraged you to pursue something which you love!
How long did you take ballet when you were young?
Thanks Claudia. I studied dance off and on from the time I was 3 until I was about 10. As a result, I think I should be better than I am right now, but each week I am getting stronger and my balance improves. Plus, I remind myself, I’m better than everyone who is home just sitting on the couch!
Hahaha totally Megan!
I sported a leotard and leather ballet slippers not to long ago myself 😉 It sure did push me out of my comfort zone as well!
I love that you are pursuing something which makes your heart sing! Let me know when your debut on pointe is… I’m there!!!