Now is the time of year you want to be looking ahead and setting your goals. What do you want 2013 to look like? If done right, this process can be the most exciting time. It’s a time where you step back for a little while and dream and plan for your future!

photo credit: angietorres
You’ll want to consider all areas of life assuring consistent growth in each.
- Do you want to transition into a business full-time? Imagine the excitement and freedom!
- Do you need to establish close relationships that challenge you to be a better person and inspire you to reach new heights?
- Is your spiritual life at a level you want it to be? Are you longing for more peace of mind?
- What could you do in the area of your finances? What could you do if you no longer had any debt?
- What are some things you’d like to do with your family next year? How would your marriage improve if you went on some adventures together?
- Are you satisfied with the level of your physical health? What if you had more energy and fewer aches and pains?
- Are there things you’d like to improve on or learn personally? Do you want to sign up for that course you’ve been thinking about or read a certain number of books next year?
If nothing changed next year, would you be OK with that?
If the answer is no, clearly define what you want and make a plan to get there. You cannot hit a target you don’t have! However, if you clearly layout what you want on paper, you’ll be surprised by your progress and how things fall into place!
Claudia and I have had some successes with setting goals, and some failures.
We’ve found there are specific things we can do which go a long way in assuring a successful goal setting time.
Here are 5 tips for Setting Next Year’s Goals
1. Plan an overnight getaway
Getting away from your regular surroundings will have a dramatic impact on the success of your goal setting endeavor. Spend two days dreaming and planning for your future. It’s worth it!
2. Use a goal setting guide
Have a plan for setting your goals. Claudia and I have used a number of different resources and have come up with a system that works really well for us.
In fact, in the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing our system in our Goal Setting Guide for Couples! Sign up below!
3. Do your homework
Look over the goal setting guide and starting thinking through the items a week or two in advance. This will prepare you and make the time go much smoother!
I’ve failed to do this in the past and waisted valuable time getting in the right frame of mind!
3. Dream big!
It can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking only about what’s practical or reasonable. If you don’t push yourself to new heights, you won’t reach new heights.
“Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized.” – Daniel Burnham
4. Start with longterm goals first
If you start by thinking about what you want to do next month or even next year, you will get caught up in the busyness of the here and now.
Rather, think about what you want to do over the next five or ten years. And then work your way back. This way, you’ll be headed in the right direction by beginning with the end in mind.
5. Don’t criticize
This is vital! It doesn’t matter if you’re setting goals by yourself or with a loved one. Criticism will bring creativity, hopes, and dreams to a screeching halt! Don’t be a wet blanket on the flame that can ignite your future.
Think and speak to yourself or your loved one in a caring, positive way. This will promote more freedom and creativity.
This is the time of year to get excited, believe in the possibilities, and plan for your future! You can do it. You can get there if you put the pen to paper and plan for it.
Question: Are there any tips you would add to this list? Leave them in the comments below.
Interested in being part of our launch team for the goals guide? Participants will get a free advance copy of the guide. We simply ask you for a review and to help spread the word in return. That’s it, nothing more.
Don’t see the sign up form in your email? Click here!
As always you set forth great, logical, doable tips!
Hey thanks, Ann! Hope your week is off to a great start.
I admire your power and intentionality as a couple to do the BIG things! Making goals together naturally draws you closer in marriage and that is a great thing. Signed up for your guide.
Great, Michael. I think you’ll like it, it’s coming together really well. And you’re right, being on the same page with your spouse make all the difference.