Doing work that I love has never been an issue for me. It was never even in the picture. I never thought of it as a priority. Money was the priority, and having a job that was secure was the priority.

– Albert Einstein
It was never said directly, just taught through thousands of interactions with people who were doing work that they didn’t enjoy just to pay the bills. Work that was truly enjoyed was strictly limited to hobbies.
The Lie:
Go to college to get a job. Major in something profitable. As long as it pays plenty of money and you basically enjoy it, you are golden.
The lie we are being taught and are telling ourselves constantly is we can’t both serve God and do work that we enjoy. A picture of oil and water comes to mind. They don’t mix and apparently enjoyable work and God don’t either. At least that is what I believed.
It is a complete lie. A slippery track of discouragement and distraction. But it works; it keeps us dull, limp, and lifeless. We were created for awesomeness and settle for blah.
In the quote above there is a fish trying to climb a tree. We have all heard sayings similar to this one by Einstein before and we smile and nod and think, “Duh.”
Each and every day millions of people roll out of bed and get in their cars and go to jobs that they hate to pay for houses they don’t like and surround themselves with stuff to try and fill a void that can never be filled. Not with stuff.
The Solution:
It is not only possible, but preferable and even practical to find and do work that we enjoy. I am most effective and alive when I am working in my skill set and doing it in a setting that I feel comfortable in.
Einstein is a perfect example of this. Do you think he would have become one of the most recognized names by flipping burgers? Probably not.
The realization of this is astounding! It brings freedom and makes my mind buzz with dreams and hopes and ideas.
I am not afraid to move forward, to try new things, even to fail, realizing failure is only failure if I don’t learn from it.
I will pursue my gifts, skills, and interests because here I will thrive and be most alive.
You want to be a genius, feel fulfilled and appreciated? Do work that you enjoy and you are good at. Einstein did it and look where it got him.
Question: Is your work aligned with just your skills or also your heart?
YES! I love that quote – have read it before and it always really hits me. So very true. Even in my jobs as a secretary – that is part of my gifting and skill set and I really enjoy it. But health coaching and helping people with nutrition etc. is my heart, especially at this time in my life, and I am determined to pursue it.
I can tell Ann! And I love that you are pursuing something that you love, and doing such a wonderful job at it!!
Preach it, sister! My job thankfully fits alot of my personality profile and skill set, but it doesn’t strike a chord with my heart, unless it’s time when I am more in a counseling type role, which doesn’t happen much. Jonathan Pool is helping me with this very thing now, trying to fit heart into career.
I believe in this life we are more efficient when we travel lightly. I don’t want a noose of “stuff” hanging around my neck.
Haha, thanks Michael!
I’m so glad you are finding encouragement through FAA. You are in IDEA right now???