I was recently talking to a farmer who told me a story about a recovery home for people struggling with deep depression. Surprisingly, the recovery method was not pills or any other traditional methods. The way they found people were able to recover the fastest was by caring for a horse on a daily basis.
This story revels something very important in our human nature – we thrive on feeling needed. When something or someone depends on us, it pushes us to new levels.
The depressed individuals in the recovery home were needed by the horses. This made them feel good. Being needed feels good and makes people happier.
So how can we feel needed even if we don’t have a horse to feed every day?
Find a need and fill it. Many of us sit around and wait for others to need us. But the better approach is to find a need and fill it. If we take a little initiative, we can fill our need for being needed by putting ourselves into positions where we are needed.
We can start a blog that helps others with leadership, or work, or photography, or living naturally, or running, or marketing, or writing. We can help start a project which helps girls get off the street in Kenya, or write a book and share our story which helps other people. The list goes on and on.
To feel needed on a regular basis you must put yourself in situations regularly where others are depending on you.
So, if you are feeling down or discouraged, find an area where you are needed and feel your spirits soar.
Photo Credit: timerding via Compfight cc
Well said. I know I always feel so much better about myself and life in general when I’m looking outside myself and helping others. Hope you guys had a Happy Thanksgiving.
So true Donna! And thanks, we did have a great Thanksgiving! How about you?
So true. And thanks for the shout out, friends! I love the work you’re doing here.
You are surely welcome Laura! You are rockin and rolling and it is a blast to watch!
Love this post. Such a good perspective and so true. Thanks for the shout out!! xo
Totally welcome Char! Love what you are putting out there friend!
Claudia – Great reminder that we are the ones who need to take the initiative even when it comes to our own happiness and self-worth. While other people and outside factors can help make us happy, it really is up to us to pursue happiness through self-worth. Great post, great thinking.
Thanks Derek for you input here! Yes I do believe we are responsible for our own happiness and it is indeed a decision!
Joy to you today!