Michael and Claudia
Thanks for coming to the rise365 site. We are Michael and Claudia Good. We are writers, entrepreneurs, and lifelong learners.
The mission of rise365 is to help people escape normal, regain their fizz, and recreate the way they make a living.
The writing you’ll find here offers innovative ideas for extraordinary people. We write through our own personal experience, including both failures and successes.
You will find resources and encouragement to help you move forward on your own journey.
Among other projects, we are on a quest to establish location free income.
We spent the first 7 years of our married life doing things we thought we were “supposed to do” because everyone else was doing them.
It slowly dawned on us we were getting swept down a river, our river, the river of our life. The problem was, however, we didn’t like, or even know where the river was going!
We had no goals and no clarity about where we wanted to end up. We were just living. Just plodding along with our eyes to the ground.
We were living life in an improvisational manner and it was a disaster waiting to happen!
Deciding to start a family was our first wake up call. The realization that we were going to be parents pretty much took us by our shoulders and violently shook us back to life.

our wakeup call – Jude!
Blinking as if just walking into the light, we came out of our 7 year daze wondering where the time had gone and how to make the most of every minute henceforth.
These three books proceeded to inspire and propel us down the path we are now on:
- See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar
- 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller
- A Million Miles In A Thousand Years by Donald Miller
Our eyes were fully opened to life’s possibilities and we have not turned back since! And man, has it been one crazy, awesome ride!
We originally created rise365 as a source of accountability as we pursued massive change in our own lives.
It has gone above and beyond that and has now become a place for people who are pursuing unconventional lifestyles to connect and find encouragement. We love this stuff!
Since our wake up call, we have had a baby, Michael quit his job, we started our own business which has grown to replace the income from the 9-5, and have blogged for what will be 365 days straight in October.
We have become passionately passionate about pursuing a life that changes the world by achieving significant, personal goals while helping others at the same time.
We are so glad you are here and would love to hear more about your journey. Let’s connect and help to spur one another on to awesomeness!

on our journey
Here’s my idea guys…(please note that I’m not responsible for any damages if they should be incurred. 😀 ) go to a gas station during the day, and instead of pulling up to the pump normally find an open pump on the end and back up to the pump and proceed with getting gas.
Haha, both Claudia and I are sitting here laughing, Ryan! I like it.
Lol! I figured you all would! I had to think a while to come up with that one.