Corrie ten Boom
It was just an old piece of wood from our basement. I tacked burlap over it and leaned it up against the wall opposite my desk. Then, I put a company of eyes on it.
Eyes framed by faces which beam with joy and conquest.
They are adventurers, leaders, entrepreneurs, opportunists, and explorers. They are my heros and every day they smile at me. Yes, they smile at ME!
These are people that are living, or have lived honorably. I want to do the same, so I set their faces before me as a daily reminder.
Countless times, in a fit of discouragement, I have looked up into the faces before me and have thought, “If they could do it, so can I!” I’ve read their stories, I know their words, and I hear them telling me to move ever forward. Their smiles radiate possibility.
Are you in the daily company of those you admire? Are your heros smiling at you?
I have to admit this a tough one for me. Although All of the books I have read over the past 20 years have been well written and done their very best to convey that they were speaking to me it hasn’t had the impact that I want it to. I understand that you are talking about pictures, a tangible object but I still have a difficult time seeing how that becomes encouraging to someone. I guess it is a matter of perspective or maybe a solid decision that is made to believe the encouragement and inspiration coming from the faces, from those people…. I am someone who want’s to literally set across the table from someone. To see their expressions, mannerisms, the inflection in their voice. I understand that all of us who want to set down with (fill in that person) can’t. There is not enough of that person to go around. So help me understand what this really looks like.
Thanks for the question John. There is no doubt intentional face-to-face interaction is a vitally important part of personal growth. As a highly social person I have no doubt what so ever of the need for this.
The pictures play a different role than face-to-face contact for me. They are pictures of people I admire and respect but am not in daily communication with.
With their faces before me I am reminded of the courage they had and it helps me feel courageous. I am reminded of their perseverance, their hope, their constant pursuit of a life well lived. It inspires me to continue pursuing the same.
The pictures also remind me to be intentional about surrounding myself with people who are doing things the things I want to do in life. There is something very powerful about a picture. When your mind can visualize something, it finds ways to make it happen. So, because the people I admire are always before me I have no doubt I will find ways to be involved in their lives.
Their pictures also remind me that they are human just like me and they need hope and encouragement just like me. This is something I can do everyday in so many different ways…
Does this help clarify it for you?
It does, Thanks. I really believe that I need to make a huge shift in my thinking and my perspective. The definition of insanity comes to mind…doing things the same way and expecting different results. I was listening to an Andy Andrews Podcast yesterday and he was talking about and reflecting about all the pictures he had in his office and on his desk. He spoke of them the same way as is reflected here in your post. Bring on the paradigm shift.
Yes John I think many of us have found ourselves in a similar situation at some point! Fascinating and encouraging to be there because the joy is that we can all choose to change!
This is why you need your own fan club! I highly recommend anyone start their own mastermind. After starting my own and going others, I’ve learned it’s an AMAZING way to accomplish goals. I’m writing an ebook about how to start your own fan club. Need more time but you guys are a huge inspiration for me!
Awesome Alex!!!!
I know, that vulnerability and accountability is a powerful combination to be sure!!! Yes, everyone needs their own fan club as you stated it! 😉