I bargained with life for a penny And life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store. For Life is just an employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have set the wages, Why,…
Isn’t that interesting? I find myself saying this a lot lately. About things that happen. Things that I am thinking about. Something I remember. A memory. I used to never stand back and look at my own life and wonder why some things happened…
I think back. I think forward. I think. What helps me gain wisdom? Not make the same mistakes twice? Not dwell in the same negative mindset? And why do some people stay where they are and how they are for years and years and…
Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Have you looked at your eyes? Stared deep into the depths of your own eyes? I did just the other day, and it weirded me out a little! But my eyes told me a couple of…
Life has a strange way of lulling me into mediocrity. Or does it? I keep thinking that I need to enjoy the moment so much that I don’t even enjoy the moment. Or I have this long drawn out dance in my mind about…
The I Don’t Care Project = 1 “Uncomfortable Situation” Every Week We’ve realized how much what we do, say, and the decisions we make are influenced by what others may think.…
I have been thinking a lot lately about responsibility. Taking 100% responsibility. In other words, not playing the blame game with anyone or any situation. I can honestly say that it is consistently the hardest thing I have ever done. Let’s just say being…
Link: Steve and Jody Berkey of 90 Revolutions. —– Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here!…
—– Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here!…
This past week, I did something that I have never done before… and it was awesome!!! Thank you Beth! Link: Creekside Antiques The I Don’t Care Project = 1 “Uncomfortable Situation” Every Week We’ve realized how much what we do, say, and the decisions we…