All Posts By

Claudia Good

Personal Growth

Whirlpool Nautics

Life is full of whirlpools. You know the feeling. Life’s waters spin and we get twisted and twirled. A new baby, a move, a death, a new job, an illness etc. Life starts rotating at an incredible speed and when the water finally settles we…

April 15, 2015
Personal Growth

Who Do You SEE?

When you look in the mirror, WHO do you SEE? Do you see someone who is confident and excited about the life ahead of you? Or do you see someone who is tired, discouraged, frustrated, and angry? Do you see a man who hurts people…

March 28, 2015
Personal Growth

We’re Looking at the Wrong Stuff!

I’ve heard most of us look at our phones over 100 times a day. All this endless looking at stuff momentarily fills a void doesn’t it? Somedays I feel it too. This restlessness, this covering over. Why? Sometimes it’s habit, but many times we…

March 11, 2015
Personal Growth

Squirrels Don’t Collect Happy Thoughts

They collect nuts, it’s in their DNA. They choose which nuts they want, but nuts are about all they collect. They don’t have a choice in the matter. We, however, we get to choose what we collect. We get to choose what friends we…

March 5, 2015
Personal Growth

Fringe Minutes

These are the minutes that sit on the edge of one activity, looking into the horizons of the next. They are minutes we have very little control over physically, but are some of the most influential mentally. Many of mine are spent rocking my little girl to…

March 3, 2015
Personal Growth

Exploding Milk, Eggo Waffles, and Wild Expectations

Yesterday, I dropped an entire glass gallon of milk on the wood floor in our kitchen. Miraculously it bounced top-first and landed unbroken on its side, speckling the dark wood on my kitchen floor with milky white droplets which escaped from the loosened top.…

March 2, 2015
Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

Here’s the scoop

Friends, we realize it has been a while since we have posted here, and we wanted to give you a little update. It has been a really adventurous start to 2015 for us!!! We feel more encouraged about this year than ever! At the beginning…

February 6, 2015
Personal Growth

Scheming Dishes, Red Taillights, and Silence

The taillights which had stopped red in the night just ahead of me seemed for once a relief. Traffic. Silence. Stillness. The red glow of the lights jolted my sluggish and congested mind. Even traffic is a gift when children are sleeping. Not twenty…

December 4, 2014
Personal Growth

I Just Made My First Dollar on Amazon!!!

I just made my first dollar (well, $4.02 to be exact) from the book I wrote and put up on Amazon!!! (!!!!!) Finally seeing a spark of progress on something you have worked very hard on and offered to the world (with shaking hands)…

October 24, 2014