Most of us talk solely from our own experience, hurts, and interests. We ask questions not out of true interest in the other person, but because we want to talk about ourselves more. This type of talk is cheap and easy to come by,…
We know changing our thinking changes our lives. But what do you do when unhealthy default thinking keeps sticking around? I’m talking about thinking habits that go way back to childhood and other formative years. Unhealthy default ways of thinking go incredibly deep and…
Courage often emerges after stumbling through a wilderness. Wilderness brings about need, and great need widens the eye. It slows time and allows contemplation to buzz about, drilling deep holes into the heart’s locked parts. We are vulnerable in the wilderness. We question and we…
One of the biggest struggles I have is coming to the end of the day and feeling discontent with what I accomplished, or how I lived my day. I often find myself worrying that I didn’t do enough, or didn’t do the right things.…
This is a repost of the very first post I wrote here 2 years ago. It is always amazing to see the changes which spring forth from a purpose filled journey! 😉 Here is to CHANGE embraced! (To read the comments on the original…
The book of Proverbs talks a lot about wise and foolish people. And it is clear that we want to be counted among the wise. The tricky part is many of us think we are acting wise, when we are actually acting foolish.…
Did you know your brain can learn 7 facts per second, every second, for the rest of your life and still not be one bit overloaded?! In 1968, Pyotr Anokhin of Moscow demonstrated that the minimum number of potential thought patterns the average brain…
In every life, there is a cord of tension stretched between our ideals and our reality, between where we would like to be and where we are right now. Learning to embrace this tension is what this post is about. We really hate tension…
I’m reading an interesting book right now by Kevin Lehman on parenting titled Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down. Through years of counseling parents, Lehman has found that every person, by default, parents just as they were parented – unless they learn how and decide to change. He points…
The other evening Michael and I sat in our kitchen and colored. We had two 99 cent coloring books and a box of 24 crayons. There was something wonderfully freeing about the limiting pre-drawn pictures of happy puppies and kittens and only having 24…