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How I Get Free Advice From Experts

In the process of starting a business or venturing out and doing something different in life, I’ve found personal advice from experts to be crucial. While there are plenty of resources like books and programs that are a wealth of knowledge, I believe there’s…

August 20, 2012

The Continuum of Different Business Models

When wanting to break away from a traditional 9-5, something to consider is the different types of business models. I see this as a continuum where on one end you have a business that pretty much looks like a traditional job, and on the other…

August 13, 2012

The Lighter Side: Cookies and Milk

“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.” – Barbara Jordan Question: Do you take time to have your…

August 11, 2012

How We’re Refocusing rise365

Well, here it is! We’ve been talking about this for a little while now and we finally got things tightened up and in place. We originally created rise365 as a source of accountability as we pursued massive change in our own lives. We knew the…

August 6, 2012

The Lighter Side: 3 Crazy Business Ideas

Stumped for ideas for your make-it-big business? These 3 businesses should help get the juices flowing. 1. The Million Dollar Homepage Alex Tew created a homepage and decided to sell 1 million pixels at a dollar a piece. He got a ton of press and…

August 4, 2012

Month In Review For July 2012

We had another exciting month and are now into the final third of the summer. We continue to push forward towards the dreams and the vision we have for our future! I trust you are doing the same. Some of what we’ve been up…

August 2, 2012