A little compliment can make a big impression on someone. It doesn’t take much, just a kind word, an observation, a word of encouragement. Those little things will brighten someone’s day and make them remember you for a longtime afterward. Claudia and I are…
Learning from positive role models is definitely a good thing, however there is great value in learning from anti-role models as well. Rather than needing to make all the mistakes ourselves, we can observe the mistakes of others and learn from those. Don’t misunderstand me,…
Reading books and blogs and listening to podcasts has had a powerful impact on my life over the past few years. All the new thoughts, ideas, and real-life stories have helped me think in new ways and take often scary action in new directions.…
I love legal pads. Yes, the bulky, yellow pads of paper which, in the age of smartphones and tablets, seem pretty unsexy and old fashioned. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology too. But technology is only a tool, and it is not the best tool…
This past weekend, Claudia and I dropped our son, Jude, off at his grandparents and we took off to the little coastal town of Newport, Rhode Island. We were celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary and had a great time unplugging and spending time together…
Recently, I had a great conversation with a friend. Afterward, I was telling Claudia how refreshing it was to be around this person. As she and I talked, we identified three key characteristics that made my friend so refreshing and fun to be around.…
In life, one of our most valuable assets is our social network. A strong social network not only fulfills and enriches our lives, but it fuels health and success in many different areas. When we’re faced with a challenge or things just get busy,…
I’ve long heard the concept of “fail early, fail often.” And, while I understood it in theory, I struggled to see its real, practical benefit. This all changed when I realized that failure gives us knowledge and skills which cannot be gained any other…
Whether we realize it or not, how we prepare and plan for the day has an enormous impact on how the day goes. It can be the difference in starting our day off on edge, disengaged, and overwhelmed, or starting our day off collected, present,…
Anxious thoughts wreak havoc on our lives. They cause health problems, strain relationships, and make us less productive and effective in our work. Here are three ways to banish anxious thoughts so we can live a fuller, more meaningful, and effective life.…