It’s a great disguise! It is one no one can argue with. “My kids are in sports, I’m selling the house, I’m overloaded with work.” The list goes on and on.

photo by -sel
“I’ll get to you and everything else another time.”
The thing is, we can choose what to be busy with. We often don’t take the time, however, to evaluate if what is keeping us busy is the stuff we really need to be doing.
Is our busyness helping us become the people we want to be? Is it pulling us towards generosity, towards the things that are truly valuable? Is it fulfilling? Does it touch the place deep in our souls which say, “Yes, I am doing what I was put on this earth to do!” Does it?
Or, is it simply filling the space between who we are and who we are afraid to be?
We wear busy like a badge of honor. The appeal is attractive. It beckons us, the lure of the group. Everyone is doing it, so we join in.
But busy is no badge if it blinds us to the music of our life.
If busy blocks opportunities to leave the world around us richer, then we need to seriously consider why we are doing what we are doing.
“He Died “Busy”” – hmmm..not a great tombstone marker is it? Everyone needs margins in life, time to reflect, which helps us know where to spend our time.
Definitely not what I want written on mine!!!!! I love reflection time, it clears the fog.
love this! Especially this line…
“Or, is it simply filling the space between who we are and who we are afraid to be?”
Thanks Crystal!
We hide way too much!! 😉