When wanting to start a project to generate income, be careful not to get stuck in the dreaming and preparing mode. Yeah sure, you want to be intentional about which direction you’re headed, but remember there will be a lot of trial and error in the process so just starting is vital to your success.

photo by _sjg_
If this is your first project, why not start with something small you can complete in the next two months. This will take the pressure off of needing to find the “perfect idea” and will give you a sense of urgency with the limited time frame.
Start, stay committed, and finish. Then immediately start the next project. Don’t hesitate or you will talk yourself out of things. Just keep working and the constant progress on a project will give you great momentum. You can evaluate and reevaluate every couple months to see if you are still headed in the direction you really want to go and whether your projects are truly taking you there.
Claudia does a great job at this. Back in the beginning of December, we decided to write a book on goals and life planning and gave ourselves 30 days to complete it. I think it was within two or three days of finishing it, Claudia had already started writing another book! This one she decided to finish by the end of February. And you know what? I think she’s going to make that deadline too! She’s an incredible inspiration to me.
Don’t get stuck in dreaming and preparing mode. Start with something small and see it through. Then evaluate. (By the way, I am reminding myself of this too as I think about new ideas and projects. Trust me!)
You are both a great inspiration to me on so many levels!
Thanks for the encouragement, Ann!
Thanks Ann!
You are sweet like honey! 🙂
Great advice. Our 13-in-13 Half Marathon Challenge officially starts today. I got the idea about 10 days ago and just ran with it because I knew that the initial excitement of the idea would be eaten away with time and the realization of the unknown. It’s been a great decision. I set the goal at 20 people, and we’ve surpassed 30 and have somehow gotten a guy from Ireland. It’s been great to learn as we go and just to take one day at a time.
Wow, that’s great Jody! Way to take action. Those smaller projects can be motivation for the bigger projects or even turn into bigger projects themselves.
Ireland – cool!
This is the big thing I’ve tried to do in 2013…get something out there. I keep telling myself it doesn’t have to perfect on day 1 – which is the great thing about the blogging format…you can bob and weave and make changes as you go. I still dream a lot, but now I’m doing also!
Exactly, Tom. That’s something that I’ve been learning too. There’s too much energy and creativity to be lost without getting something out there.
Love it! More is accomplished and learned through movement than meditation. Both are important, but at some point we have to get moving and do something.
Nice job Michael and Claudia.
Hey thanks, Kent. That’s a principle I try to live by. Thanks for the input!
Awesome! This is right on and you both are great examples of people who move forward and make things happen…
Hey thanks for the encouragement, Rob. I can say the same about you, for sure!
Thanks Michael! 🙂