Claudia and I have been on a quest for a more meaningful and purposeful life now for a little over a year. By no means have we arrived at where we want to go, but there have been a lot of things that got us to where we are today. These include things like connecting with amazing people, blogging, and starting a family.
But, there was one thing that we did at the very beginning that was instrumental in breaking our dull routine and getting us going in the right direction. That one thing was listening to podcasts. This worked really great for me especially because I could listen to all sorts of stuff on my hour and a half commute to work each day.
Where to start:
There are thousands of podcasts out there so it can be really overwhelming where to start. These are some of the ones that I started with and I think are a great place for anyone else looking to find more purpose and meaning in life as well (links for podcasts in itunes).
Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast
This podcast is about marriage and family and Claudia and I both got into them. Because we listened to them separately, it gave us something to then connect on and discuss later.
This podcast is about finances and taking control of your money. Our communication and connectedness flourished when we started a regular monthly budget together. A budget may sound restrictive and boring, but it’s not. Trust me. Not when you do it right.
This podcast is about finding purpose and meaning in life through the work that you do. Here I learned to think in new ways and started to believe that I have what it takes to succeed. It’s because of listening to this podcast that I was able to quit my job to pursue something I really care about.
While we’ve done a lot different things on our quest over the past year, it all started with listening to some quality content via podcasts.
Question: What was the first thing you did that started you on the journey that you are on today?
Hey guys,
Just found your blog and wanted to let you know that you have gained another reader!
I’m only sixteen years old, so for me it wasn’t so much a matter of turning my life around as it was just getting my life pointed in the right direction to begin with. I listen to all the same podcasts you mention here and have found them all to be extremely helpful. What really inspired me in the beginning however, was the book “Do Hard Things”, by Alex and Brett Harris. These two guys challenged me to rise above the normal expectations for a teen, and as I continue to do my own hard things, this book has served as an inspiration a hundred times over!
Keep up the good work, God bless!
J. J.,
I checked out the book you mentioned. It looks like a good one and one that I wish I had picked up when I was your age. I think it’s awesome that you’re doing what you’re doing and setting a higher standard for yourself. Way to go.
I’ve been enjoying the podcast you and your Dad are doing. Keep the shows coming. It’s a message that needs to be shared. By the way, from the podcast, I would have guessed you were twice your age. You are confidant in what you say and I think that’s awesome. Keep it up.
Thanks! Your words of encouragement come at a great time! It gets discouraging at times to keep podcasting, but knowing that there are people who listen and actually enjoy our show really makes a huge difference! It’s funny you should mention that about my age, people often say I seem a lot older than I am. I hear all the time that I LOOK like I’m in my twenties, but this is the first time anyone’s said I SOUND older! LOL
God bless,
J. J.
It must be all that manly stuff you and your dad are doing.
Keep it up!
and I think what you guys are doing is amazing!
You rock! Was listening to your podcast with your dad -haha yes a girl listened to Man Cave Radio… Michael kept telling me I wasn’t allowed so it made me want to listen more
Keep rockin the podcast.
What gave you guys the idea to do this podcast anyway???
Thanks! I think we actually have more female listeners than male, lol!
We started the show because we wanted to encourage guys to be real men, that is, better husbands, fathers, and leaders. I told my dad that he should do a radio show about parenting, and he got excited about the idea and it quickly evolved into a father/son podcast just about guys in general. I don’t remember who came up with the idea of “Man Cave Radio”, but we have a lot of fun with it! It was initially supposed to be a three generation thing, but my grandpa didn’t have the time to commit, so my dad and I do it together!
Thanks again for the encouraging words! It always means SO much to get positive feedback!
God bless,
J. J.
Oh, that is too funny! It is too intriguing for us ladies to pass up!
So, I saw you work at Whispering Hope Ranch Ministries? I used to manage an eventing barn for a couple years and also lived on a ranch in Wyoming. Horses are one of my loves (ever since I was little) Are you a wrangler?? Do you have your own horse??
Hi Claudia,
Sorry for the delay. That’s very cool! No, I don’t have my own horse, I just use any of the ranch horses that are available. Actually, I work with the kids more than the horses, but I am a Jr. Wrangler.
I’ve been with the Ranch for about four years now, and it’s really cool to see what a difference horses can make on kids. We often work with kids who have autism, or who come from bad backgrounds. The fact that horses just accept kids for who they are really helps break down some barriers and lets us make a difference in the kids’ lives. Also, the hands-on experience of touching an enourmous animal and being able to take care of it and feed it provides a huge emotional boost to a kid’s self-esteem.
That is awesome! Wow, what an impact you make on people’s lives every day!
Amazing. You are wise beyond your years!
[…] have time to stretch, listen to instructional material, read my Bible, shower, and get ready for the day, all before […]
[…] getting things going in the right direction part was a slow and painful process. However, it greatly helped when I understood that success is […]