The view surrounding me was pristine. I could see for miles. Green everywhere, even right in front of my eyes.

photo by elycefeliz
A slight breeze blew my then white blonde hair as I wedged my bare toes between the strong branches of my favorite walnut tree. I breathed a sigh knowing I was invisible, hidden beneath the green mass of leaves surrounding me.
What I loved about being in a tree is I could see other people but they couldn’t see me. I would sit for hours and spy.
I grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. All my neighbors were Amish and I would watch with envy as they drove by in their buggies. I was not envious of the buggy mind you, I just wanted the horse.
For as long as I can remember, I dreamed about horses. I don’t know where the dream started, but I guess some dreams are just in you. They seem to well up out of the depths of your person.
As I sat in my tree on that particular summer day, I lazily watched as a buggy crept past our house. Suddenly I leaned forward and squinted my eyes trying to use my eyes as binoculars. I was gripped with excitement. The buggy looked empty. I did not see a driver and, for a beautiful instant, I hoped the horse pulling the buggy was a runaway. I would therefore be able to claim it for myself!
As I child I obviously hadn’t thought through the logistics of my hopes. I couldn’t very well just snag someone else’s horse, dispose of the buggy, and claim the horse as my own.
But, no matter. In my head, the horse was mine. I watched it longingly and lovingly envisioned us galloping through open fields with sunlight filtering through leaves and heavenly music playing. I would be laughing as the horse’s mane would tickle my chin. And the horse would whinny with glee because it would love me as I would love it back.
I was just devising a plan to capture the runaway when I spotted a dark form. It was the driver inside the no longer runaway buggy.
My hopes were dashed. The horse would not be mine after all.
I was a hopeless case of disappointment. I sulked in my tree angry at the driver for actually being in his buggy. “That horse,” I grumbled, “should be mine!”
From then on, I watched every buggy doggedly hoping it was a runaway to claim as my own. I never gave up hope, but oddly, it also never came to pass.

photo by duluoz cats
This story from my childhood displays something very clearly to me.
Hope was hindering me.
We talk about hope in a la-la good feelings way. Put your hope in the Lord, have hope for tomorrow, hope that one day things will be better… or easier… or we will actually like our life or our husband or get along with our children.
What has become clear is hope in and of itself doesn’t get us anywhere. I hoped all my childhood I would be able to find and keep someone else’s horse. A bad plan, yes, and rather selfish on my part. A better plan would have been to let hope propel me to take action.
Using my hope wisely would have looked more like working hard, saving money, and one day buying my own horse. My hope would have been fulfilled and I would have stopped looking for other people to give me handouts to make my life happier.
Waiting for life and other people to fulfill my hopes was a poor plan. It would be no different if I said I wanted to be like Taylor Swift but never picked up a guitar to practice or sought out local places to start playing my music.
Hope by itself is not enough.
This is therefore my question to you reader.
What do you hope for?
Do you hope for a better marriage, a more organized life, the ability to make a difference in the world? Do you hope to help orphans somewhere or live abroad? Do you hope to one day enjoy your work?
My next question is this. Is hope hindering you? Are you only hoping, but not acting? Are you taking the necessary action needed to see your hope fulfilled?
Why hope for $50,000 to be dropped in your lap when you could use your unique talents to make $50,000? Why hope a horse could be mine, when I could use my unique talents to make money and, in return, make a horse my own.
Unfulfilled hopes make us bitter at life. But, it doesn’t make sense to be angry when we failed to take action.
Therefore, from this day forward use your hopes as flares. Blazing signals to guide us in a direction!
Let your hope to be someone or do something great move you to actually be that someone who does something great!
Let your hope lead to action.
Don’t sit up in a tree waiting for your hopes to come to you. Go after them!
Question: What do you hope for and what are you doing to get there?
I really liked this post Claudia. It gives me something to think about- something I am excited to begin thinking about. I know that some of my hopes are just waiting for some action! Thanks for your inspiration. I HOPE you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. HOPE to see you soon!
Thanks friend!
I am so excited for you and your hopes! I know you are intentionally giving them wings and I am more than delighted to join you in the journey! 🙂
You are lovely and your pursuit of a life more full inspiring!
Hope to see you soon as well! 😉
Such a thought provoking post. I have been thinking so much these past weeks about the reality that my life is what I make it. It may be journey….but journeys end up somewhere. It is up to me which direction my steps take me. Love this post. Love you even more. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Hey thanks my life loving sis! I can see your eyes sparkling and a smile upon your beautiful face as you wrote this!Wonderfully stated Char, it IS up to us which direction our feet move in! I have said this before but I am so excited to be on this journey beside you and am anticipating with glee where we will each go as we journey 😉
Great post! I remember visiting Pennsylvania when we were kids and seeing the horse drawn buggies. I totally agree – while hope is definitely important – scripture says hope deferred makes the heart sick. I have read that hope gives us the “destination” or the thing we go after – but go after it with intentional, faith-filled action we must!! Hope your Thanksgiving is awesome!
Ahhh, well said Ann!
Yes, I used to fall asleep to the sound of my neighbors bringing in hay with their horse drawn wagons. It was quite the lovely place to grow up I have to say! 😉
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving as well Ann!!!
Loved the story Claudia. I’ve had more than my fair share of those thoughts myself.
BTW, I didn’t realize you were from Lancaster. Crazy, you’re now another person I know that originally started there (-;
Hey thanks! So, you have other friends from the great Lancaster area as well??
I do back from when I stalked the internet looking for other music lovers. There’s a great guy named Darby and his buddy Phil. And then I had a great friend Stacey that hailed from Lancaster. It’s a small, small world.
Hah!! Small indeed… even smaller when growing up in Lancaster. Everyone knows or is related to or has an uncle who knows EVERYONE out there! We all seem to find each other as well 😉
Was a blast of a place to grow up!!
Well written story, Claudia. I enjoy them all so much. I guess that HOPE is not just a torso of a body, but has legs, arms, hands, feet and a head too! Hope is necessary in the context of when we’ve done all we can do and our hopes aren’t realized, we don’t lose heart. We keep moving.
Thanks so much!
Hahahaaa, well put… “HOPE is not just a torso” I may just have to quote you on that one Michael!
Very beautifully written, Claudia! Hoping has become secondary to action in my life… It’s funny because I was writing a letter this morning to someone about us making tomorrow happen instead of hoping it happens. Again, so very well written! Thank you for this…
Thanks Rob!
I can see you living this out daily! Both Michael and I have been challenged and encouraged by how you take quick action on your ideas. Venturing into this arena has brought us great fulfillment… excited to do more!
Thanks Claudia, that means a lot! 🙂