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Large souled people learn to give thanks – even for disappointment. They move forward after heartache and avoid the temptation to sit and brood – at least not for long. They realize that all things work together. They learn to adjust course and use what they have instead of complaining about what they lost.
Large souled people know the importance of trying things and learn to let go of expectations. They value lessons learned and refuse to live in regret. They trust the dots will connect somewhere down the road.
They wisely keep their eyes open, their hearts expectant, and without fail, new ideas and opportunities come. With thankfulness, they acknowledge their disappointments have done nothing but make them into deep and robust people with incredible stories to tell.
Want to see this in action? Watch this Ted Talk.
Wow! This is good stuff and very timely for me right now. You and Phil Hansen just inspired me to write my own blog post about “embracing the shake”as I continue to pursue my physical goals and rev up for the next 13-in-13 Challenge. Thank you! You guys always give me such great stuff to think about and apply.
And I will look forward to reading it when it come out! 🙂
Michael had heard about Phil’s Ted talk from Dan Miller’s podcast and we both loved it!
Really enjoyed catching up with Steve the other afternoon – he is so helpful and knowledgable! Sounds like you guys have some great stuff planned for the near future!
and perhaps to round off this comment I will put in 3 more exclamation points!!!
Here’s my post that you inspired: http://90revolutions.com/theotherside/embrace-the-shake/ Thanks again for inspiration.
I didn’t realize it was going to be a reunion meeting. I would have definitely joined in. Elijah was napping (which is rare nowadays), so I took advantage of the opportunity to relax with in the whirlpool tub and read Wisdom Meets Passion.
I’m glad that Steve was able to help. He’s certainly gifted in that area. I’m looking forward to watching your project evolve and, of course, seeing the finished product. Very exciting! Steve filled me in on your new life changes. Congrats on the sale and pending move.
Our restructured lives have been providing regular exciting opportunities to experience new things. Hiking with Chris was great. Thanks for introducing us.
Thanks for posting the link! Loved it my friend, you are inspiring so many people with your authenticity. I think it is powerful that you learned you work better when you have that camaraderie (a lot of us do!) now you can keep setting new goals this way and the constant progress will be amazing. Excited for you!
Great post Claudia – and you are definitely one of these wonderful people! I’m reading a great book called Mind Over Medicine and she describes the difference between optimists and pessimists and there are plenty of similarities to what you describe as well as health benefits!
Thanks Ann! Ohhh, you know how I love books, so thanks for this new recommendation! I am constantly amazed when it comes to this topic and how it overflows into every aspect of our lives.
Aren’t Ted Talks cool…I am just starting to discover them. I met someone like this recently, and it really gives you perspective. Thanks for sharing.
Ted talks are awesome, I agree Tom! Short and powerful. I am glad you were able to connect with someone like this, those times can be completely life changing. Were you able to catch any methods or tips?
Wow, awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! I am learning to see problems as an opportunity to solve them, to grow, to strengthen character and vision. Love this perspective, thanks again!
You are truly welcome, thanks for your comment Kathleen and blessings as you move forward!