Wow, what a month! I don’t know about you, but for me, the month of September was sure exciting! Stressful at times, but always exciting.

OBX 2012
We started the month off with a week in the Outer Banks with family. It was a great time to be somewhere different and experience new things with friends. I will say, with the beginning of September being the busiest with our business, it made a little crazy when we got back! But, it was all good because it meant the business was doing well.
I also joined a local men’s group which I’m really excited about as we’re going through a course on what it means to be an authentic man. Sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it?
September was a great month for the business. We experienced a 45% increase in enrollment and we’re on track for October to be our best month yet! We even brought another teacher on board with us.
We also had a bunch of you participate in the latest IDC. This was a fun one! So fun, that I’ve continued to do the challenge even though it’s over.
In other news, we witnessed the marriage of my beautiful sister, Crystal, to an incredible man, Andrew.
Claudia and I even had the honor to perform a song together during the ceremony.
Congrats guys, we love you!
Top Monthly Commenters
Let’s not forget all the commenters that make this community, well, a community. We appreciate everyone that contributes in the comment section of the posts! Here are the top commenters (congrats to Jody for reaching her goal of being at the top)! 🙂
- Jody Berkey (46)
- Michael Wright (39)
- Ann Musico (38)
- Rob Clinton (13)
- Donna Yates (12)
- Jenny Everett (11)
- Alana Mokma (10)
- Joe Lalonde (10)
- Chris Peek (9)
Question: What was a highlight of the month of September for you? You can leave a reply in the comments of the post.
P.S. At the end of this month, we’ll be rounding up our first year of writing here. Be on the lookout for details on what to expect going forward, including a giveaway valued at approximately $300!
I would have to say having over 5,000 downloads of my kindle book during the free weekend promotion and then seeing that there have been a good number of sales as well was a definite highlight for me!
Congratulations, Ann! I got my download but haven’t dove into it yet. Looking forward to it though!
Congratulations, Ann.
Thank you Jody.
Ann, that is wonderful to read! 5,000 downloads is awesome!
Besides the Lord, all thanks to everyone who helped – including you, Michael!
Great pic of you and Claudia! -:) There were a few highlights in September, but being able to go on vacation with my husband was at the top of the list. It was just really nice to get away.
Nice, Cindy! Where’d you guys go? I know you came to York, PA recently, but I think that was for family.
Great news about your business growth and to Ann for the first ebook success! Way to go you guys! I’m impressed. For me, the highlight was realizing “I’m married” and adjusting to a new house, living with someone again after more than 10 years alone, and adjusting and clarifying my goals. It was a wild month!
Glad to hear that you’re making the adjustment. Clarifying goals is always a good thing.
Claudia and I were just talking about the need to tweak a plan or project as you go. I think it can be the same with goals. How do you feel the process went?
I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easy. I was so determined that going to Beaufort RIGHT NOW was what I needed to do that I couldn’t think clearly or rationally sometimes. It has been a dream for so long that I just thought if I don’t do it now, I never will! BUT, after much much prayer and getting myself to really think about it from a rational standpoint instead of just with my heart, I realized that now is really not the best time. Once all the signs to stay started to outweigh the drive to go now, I knew what the best decision was at this point. I know that in time, I will go live there but for now, it’s best to stay put and get better prepared to go so it will not be a struggle. It will be a joy. In the mean time, I will use my time to grow my vintage business, I will continue to work on my bucket list, and I chose to be happy where I am right now!
Donna, vintage business. I’m intrigued. What is your business? Congratulations on your wedding. Best wishes for a long and happy marriage.
Thanks Jody! I have two etsy businesses. One is and the other is Check them out!
I’m sure that was a difficult decision to come to! You’re right though. It doesn’t mean you’re giving it up at all, you simply decided it wasn’t best for the moment.
Congrats on tweaking your plan! That’s often necessary.
Michael, I would love to hear more about the course your small group is going threw. I’m always looking for new stuff.
September was a big month for me. My fourteen-year-old when to her first homecoming dance.
James, that’s awesome! Congrats! Is she your oldest? I know you have a couple girls.
We’re going through series one of with Robert Lewis. We’re about 3 weeks in and I’m really enjoying it. I really appreciate his perspective.
I’ve heard of Men’s Fraternity! Thanks for the link!
I actually have 4 daughters. My oldest is the control group for my dating plan.
Nice, and what plan is that? 🙂
Besides fear, anxiety and the threat of blogging EVERYTHING?
James, I love your “dating plan” for your daughters. Cute!
Thanks, Jody!
My number one highlight for September was being able to attend the Quitter Conference in Nashville. There were so many cool people with so much energy. It was amazing!
Congrats on a successful September!
Thanks, Raun. I’ve heard nothing but great things about that conference. John Acuff has a great message!
Did you get a Hello watch?? 😉
Yup! A nice red one.
Cool!!!! I looked up and found their website because I was so intrigued by that watch with the Hello on it… Looks like they are doing some really awesome things! Did Jon Acuff help start it or does he just promote it?
I think he just promotes it. Either way, they seem to be a pretty cool organization.
Oh, yeah! #1 Baby 🙂 Seriously, it has been enlightening, inspiration, and encouraging to become more consistent with reading your blog. I appreciate all of the effort you two put into Rise365. Challenging myself to comment has pushed me to think more and grow.
September has been a transitional month for us in that we moved from phase 1 of our Epic Adventure (summer road trips) to phase 2 (settling down for a 13-week placement). The adjustment was challenging at times, but also good. I’ve grown to enjoy this season and a more relaxed pace.
Thanks, Jody, and thanks for all you’re input in the comments!
I like how you’re being proactive in this transition with the 31 Amazing Days. Hopefully no more poopy pants today. 😉
ha! congrats Jody. 😉
A highlight was moving forward on putting together a Spark Group. Had a second meeting with someone who’s interested in it as well and he brought a friend. Hoping to see great things come from this.
Joe, what’s a Spark Group?
It’s based off of an idea in Jason Jaggard’s book Spark. The idea is to get a group together to encourage each other to take small risks that grow into bigger risks. But not risks that just affect us personally but that can have an impact on the world.
Sounds like an awesome concept!
Great progress! Sept was kind of like a training month for me – gearing up for a mentoring launch with a local elementary school next week as well as gearing up and prepping for a Calling retreat this week.
Have fun on the retreat, Michael! Let us know how it goes.