This is a repost of the very first post I wrote here 2 years ago. It is always amazing to see the changes which spring forth from a purpose filled journey! 😉 Here is to CHANGE embraced!
(To read the comments on the original post go here.)
I don’t feel ready yet…I want more time. I want time to change before I need to change. And actually I sometimes don’t WANT to change at all, I just want to be changed already. I just want to press one of those little reset buttons…It’s gotta be here somewhere!
But darn it if life doesn’t work that way.
We were designed to change, move, always forward, onward…one day ends and a new begins, it never stops, always changing. A new sunrise at a slightly different time than the day before, the clouds of yesterday are nothing like the ones today, every thunderstorm is different, every leaf on a tree, every human eye color. Even our very own skin changes each day, shedding the old skin of yesterday, making way for new skin.
So why is it so hard for me to change when everything else about my whole world is constantly changing?
It’s easier just to think about it…to write about it than to live it. Living it takes action on my part. And I really actually enjoy being lazy. Its easier to live the life that other people think I should be living than to pave my own path. Continue Reading