Personal Growth

My game plan and how it sets my day up

August 26, 2013

game plan

Whether we realize it or not, how we prepare and plan for the day has an enormous impact on how the day goes. It can be the difference in starting our day off on edge, disengaged, and overwhelmed, or starting our day off collected, present, and prepared.

One of the things that I’ve found most helpful in preparing and planning for my day is to think through and write down a general overview of what my day is going to look like.

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Personal Growth

A dare

August 22, 2013


William Danforth wasn’t supposed to live. His constant sicknesses had left him weak and frail and the doctors said he would never live to see adulthood.

One day at school, however, his teacher singled him out and dared him to “become the healthiest boy in the class.” This seemed impossible to the young William as he glanced at all the robust children around him. But the teacher looked him right in the eye and continued, “I dare you to chase those chills and fevers out of your system. I dare you to fill your body with fresh air, pure water, wholesome food and daily exercise until your cheeks are rosy, your chest full and your limbs sturdy. I dare you to become the healthiest boy in this class!” the teacher ended with a flourish.

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Personal Growth

Pray for ideas, not for money

August 15, 2013


If you had told me this 10 years ago, I would have thought you were crazy. I had just ben fired from my job and I needed money bad, not ideas. Money was all I thought about, and it also seemed the hardest to come by.

In my frantic quest for money, I never once prayed for ideas, for inspiration, for creative solutions to my problem. I just prayed for money (and for another job).

This is where I think I, along with most of the world, miss out.

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Why you need to ignore your competition

August 12, 2013

When I was first starting my business, one of the things I was painfully aware of was my competition. I wasted time and energy studying their websites, comparing services and prices, and worrying if anyone would buy from me.

Doing some research and due diligence is good. However, their comes a point when you need to ignore your competition and focus your time and energy on what you’re doing, not on what your competition is doing.

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Personal Growth

God doesn’t owe me a thing

August 8, 2013


“My brother died a week ago,” I heard the man say. He was tall, square shouldered, and had glistening eyes.

“I was given the gift of 50 years with him. God doesn’t owe me a thing!” His comment was cutting, not with its sharpness, but with its conviction.

He went on to tell the story of his brothers’ long battle with cancer. With young kids and a wife at home, they were all hoping and praying he would recover.

But he didn’t. He died.

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Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

Bumps in the road

August 5, 2013

So, what do you when things don’t go as planned and you find yourself in the middle of a tough situation not knowing how it’s all going to work out?

You focus on the positive, learn from the experience, and embrace the journey, right?

While that’s the cliché answer and what you’re supposed to do, it’s a whole lot harder (and scarier) to actually do that when you’re going through something difficult.

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Personal Growth

Starting a business together – What has worked and what hasn’t

August 1, 2013

Us three!

Starting a business together can be a great way to put a lot of strain on a marriage. The combination of marriage and business doesn’t work for everyone, we recognize this. But for us, it has been awesome!

Here are some things that have worked and have not worked for us along the way.

What has worked

1. Considering it a joint-venture

Michael and I consider all our ventures a joint effort. We approach all our projects as a team. Therefore, if it fails, it is not the fault of one. We risk together and we succeed or fail together.

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