Personal Growth

Are they smiling at you?

July 18, 2013
Corrie ten Boom

Corrie ten Boom

It was just an old piece of wood from our basement. I tacked burlap over it and leaned it up against the wall opposite my desk. Then, I put a company of eyes on it.

Eyes framed by faces which beam with joy and conquest.

They are adventurers, leaders, entrepreneurs, opportunists, and explorers. They are my heros and every day they smile at me. Yes, they smile at ME!

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Personal Growth

Facing old struggles

July 15, 2013
Photo Credit: paul bica via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: paul bica via Compfight cc

The following is a short parable. May it bring you new perspective on facing old struggles. 

“Excuse me, sir. What do you see?” the small voice came from beside the bench where the man was sitting close to the lake. His thoughts had been caught up in despair, wrapped around the gray tombstone of hopes dashed.

“What do you see?” the small voice insisted.

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Personal Growth

Multiplying a hundredfold

July 11, 2013
Photo Credit: bernat... via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: bernat… via Compfight cc

I just finished the book, The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino. It’s a delightful little book and one I recommend to everyone who wants to improve their ability to influence others. In it, the author creates this wonderful imagery when he likens us to grains of wheat.

A grain of wheat can be multiplied a hundredfold if it’s planted in soil and then nurtured by the sun, rain, and warm winds. It grows into a stalk of wheat bearing many, many more grains which can be ground into flour or planted for even more wheat.

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Personal Growth

When you shouldn’t finish a book

July 8, 2013

Photo Credit: azrasta via Compfight cc

Recently, I’ve been thinking about how life is too important not to live fully engaged, fully alive, and fully motivated. This is the way to best live out our purpose and really be there for our loved ones.

One of the ways I stay fully engaged, fully alive, and fully motivated is by reading great books. Books will educate, inspire, and give you new ideas. Ideas that can change your life.

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Personal Growth

8 ways to unclutter your mind

July 4, 2013

Photo Credit: locket479 via Compfight cc

The uncluttered mind is able to regulate time, make firm decisions, and take decisive steps in life. It is free of worry, is able to engage readily, and is calm.

Does this describe you? If your answer is no, perhaps it’s time to start the practice of uncluttering your mind.

Here are 8 of my favorite ways to unclutter:

1. Find a space and make it yours

I have a corner office in our house. I made yellow curtains for the windows, have stacks of my favorite books piled in crates, and from my window I have a gorgeous view of the trees behind our house. It is my space. Every time I walk into that room I breathe a deep, life-filled breath, and feel more relaxed.

We all need a space to call our own, find yours and claim it.

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Personal Growth

A profound 3 sentence prayer

July 1, 2013
prayer I believe I am always divinely guided.  I believe I will always take the right turn in the road.  I believe God will always make a way where there is no way.

Photo Credit: 427 via Compfight cc

There is a simple three sentence prayer which can make a profound impact on your life.  It can help you see how to overcome big obstacles and give you the courage and confidence to take bold action.

The prayer I’m talking about comes from the book titled The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. In it, he shares how a struggling salesman started saying this prayer before each prospect he called.

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Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

10 things no one told you about being a writer

June 27, 2013

Photo Credit: “The Wanderer’s Eye Photography” via Compfight cc

Two years ago when I started writing here on this blog, I had no idea what I was getting into. Now hundreds of blog posts later, I find myself in the final stages of my second book.

Here are 10 things I have learned along the way:

1. You will get stuck – just use stuck to your advantage

The key is to use the stuck feeling to your advantage. Use it as a signal to move to something else before you get really stuck.

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The Right Approach to Getting New Clients

June 24, 2013

Photo Credit: Jeremy Brooks via Compfight cc

In business, I’ve learned you need to have the right approach to getting new clients and building your business.

It’s so easy to be focused on needing to make money, especially when you’re just starting out. The way to make money, however, is to figure out how you can add value to the lives of those in your target market. Do this, and the money will follow.

At first, when offering our free classes for our music school, my approach was, how can I get the most students enrolled the fastest?

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Personal Growth

The Power Of The Pen

June 20, 2013

Part of my journal stash

11 Ways Writing With a Pen Can Transform Your Life (true story)

1. Write to name what you face.

A name gives shape to the shadows that follow you, the shadows that age you. When you name something, you are able to face it fully, to grasp it, and do something to change it.

2. Write to remember your life.

Writing things down helps you remember all the in-between days, the fascinatingly normal ones, the ones that make up most of our lives. The feeling of your son pressing his pink, chubby cheek snugly into yours, the way the light flashed florescent off the bubble suspended on your daughters small finger.

We all think we will remember, but somehow most days become a blur, lost in the haze of busyness.

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