creativity Entrepreneurship

New Book

December 6, 2015

A few months ago I picked up a book that caught my eye in an art store. It was an adult coloring book full of botanical pen and ink drawings. I couldn’t put it down, I LOVED it!

After leaving the store I kept thinking about that book. I ordered one. I looked at more coloring books. I ordered more. And then I decided to make one of my own!

So, after months of sketching and designing, here it is! Inspired: a coloring book for adults is full of hand lettered quotes and pen and ink illustrations. It’s up on Amazon and for a bit longer the price is 30% off!

So, if you love quotes and you find coloring enjoyable, like I do, check it out!

After trying a few things now, I am convinced one of the most fulfilling feelings comes from simply trying stuff. Just offering what you have, where your at, not knowing for sure if it will work or not… but still offering. “Here, I made this, I enjoyed making it. I hope it encourages you and fills you with hope!”

Trying and offering. Trying and offering. Trying and offering. Something magical happens in our lives when this becomes a routine.


Thanks to Joanne’s book for re-kindling my own creativity. Pick up the books that spark your curiosity, you never know where they will lead you! 😉

creativity Living Intentionally writing

No Space for Magic

November 15, 2015

Have you ever sat down to write only to to find your so concerned with writing right that the deep words don’t even make it to the surface?

I have.

There is no rush of healing, no revelation when the deep words (the real ones) haven’t bubbled up.

We zero in on punctuation, sound, {will someone read this and think it sounds dumb – forget that, I think it’s dumb!?} making sure words are straight, not to big, evenly centered, and let’s not even mention staying between the lines!

Stretching words over lines is way underrated!

Some of the most healing moments of my life have happened when I simply let words spill out. I throw out order and rules – any word, in any order, with any spacing is free game (made up words also allowed!).

Just getting the REAL words out (the words you don’t even know are there) is the point.

Here is an example of one “word spill” that came out while writing this post.

…….  …….. …….

the     sp   A   ce     between is where the magic happens

a pause in the sk{i}es

breath ~ it                             flies

firefly glow in the eyes


and the w{i}llll

to go deeper still

the tumbling, climbing, reaching, finding – seeing what is there [beneath the square]

beneath is air       the fair           the spare      des{i}re       to not care


its me           and the words are fr eee

……..   ……….   …………

There has to be space for magic when we create!

If we squeeze and push everything into the neat and tidy rules, magic never happens.

So, try it! Try letting words spill out of your pen without hinderance or much thought. Your “word spill” might be a list of words, a shape with words, or, a poem (as my words spills are as of late). However they come out, DO NOT over think this. Over thinking kills the magic.

Words are a gift. A gift that helps us discover who we are, how we thrive, and what makes us feel bravely human. The magic happens when we let the real words out.

Personal Growth

Are You Interesting Enough?

October 26, 2015

What’s interesting about interesting people is how much they are interested. They listen, they are curious about you and about life, they notice things and try things. They want to know, “Why did that work?” and “How does that make you feel?”

They don’t set out to be interesting, but are extremely passionate about being curious and understanding things. “If this is there, does that mean I could do this and it wouldn’t be there?”

This is great news for those of us who are afraid we are not interesting enough to do anything of importance, or to share our work.

There are not a certain amount of courses you need to take, a certain number of important people you need to connect with, a certain number of emails with a certain number of bullet points you need to send out to be interesting to people or get their attention.

You are human, and you will be interesting if you are interested. Share what you see, what you notice, what you are figuring out.

Living Intentionally Personal Growth

The Wound

October 9, 2015

Perhaps someone said something mean about what you were creating, or, someone you loved simply didn’t pay attention. It made what you were creating feel worthless, pointless, childish, dumb.

Now you’ve hidden that part away. Set it as far away as humanly possible.

The only problem is this stuff NEVER goes as far away as we want it to, and even though we continually say we are ignoring it, we’re not. We’re obsessed with it because it keeps pestering and prancing around under our noses, under our spirits, under our noise and busyness. It just keeps squeaking.

And as hard as we try, it’s impossible to ignore the squeak. It reverberates across canyons deep within us and the constant-ness of it gets under our skin.

It’s time to stop ignoring the squeak.

It’s time to look again, and uncover what we’ve tried so hard to hide.

Uncovering the wound is scary but vastly important work.

The wound keeps us from creating…. But creating is exactly what helps heal the wound.

Most likely your greatest fear (all of our greatest fear), rejection, has already happened, and the place where you have been wounded is exactly the place where we need you the most. Your most important work is most likely wrapped up in the very place you keep so hidden.

There is gold in you.



Follow Your Curiosity

October 3, 2015


It feels nice to say, but within seconds this simple statement gets most of us stressed, confused and angry. It makes us feel like we should have only ONE thing, and we should know exactly what that ONE thing is from day one.

If we don’t know, perhaps we are defective or out of touch with our dreams?? Argh!!

So, since we don’t know the ONE thing, we shut down and choose nothing. We do nothing.


Makes us take a deep sigh of relief.

Ahhhh. There is freedom here for those of us who do not have ONE single driving passion, but multiple (which I believe is most of us).

“Follow your curiosity,” lets us explore, and try. There is room to breathe and make mistakes.


Living Intentionally Personal Growth

Permission to Move

September 26, 2015

We really just want permission in order to move don’t we?

Am I doing the right thing? Is it ok to decide I WANT something and go for it? What if this doesn’t work?

The problem with the permission slip is it also give us a slip from THE ART OF DECIDING and moving. Of dragging our doubtful bones to the edge of our own reality, showing ourselves the great beyond… and then stepping into it.

The DECIDING and STEPPING is one of the most beautiful parts of being human!

We get to choose the tension of the vision rather than the lull of the quick solution. It’s the wild place, a place where we churn and light shatters and unexplained-s pull and beckon… the place where the brave part of us is finally, finally birthed.

Imagine. Decide. Move. Offer >>>>>>>> Over and over again.


Living Intentionally

Flying too High

September 14, 2015

Here is something I find fascinating: we are taught not to fly too low (better to get A’s than C’s, better a job we hate that pays well, than a job that doesn’t pay well) but it also seems we are taught (and fiercely determined) not to fly too high as well. Whether it comes from our own heads, or from the circles we revolve in, flying too high can feel as looked down upon as too low.

It seems we want somewhere in the middle where we know we won’t get hurt, won’t face any resistance, judgement, or challenges. A place where our genius (that thing inside each of us that only we can offer to the world) will be seen by some people, but not too many people.

Not too high, not too low – AHHHHH.

So, we say all sorts of things like, “The timing just isn’t right.”

(I’m starting to wonder if, “the timing just isn’t right,” actually means we are too afraid to try and bring our true genius to life.)

I’ve decided flying right in the middle (not too high or too low) is the perfect way to keep our lives small. We keep our genius hidden, we bounce around right in the middle and society approves because, after all, at least we aren’t flying too low.

Standing out, deciding what we want, moving towards BIG dreams, or having our genius seen all feel wildly scary.

But what if the high, the limits, the hard road of exploring our dreams and our genius is where we are truly born? What if this is the exact place where our human creativity and ingenuity are actually used at the level they were created to be used (and used for something impactful and helpful)!?

What if the most magical parts of being human come to life when we see how high we can fly?

Living Intentionally

The Problem With Small

September 3, 2015

I’ve been facing a lot of fear and shame lately. Mainly, because I’ve been trying new things (and by now I’ve seen a pattern, every time I try something new, I face both) but also because fear and shame come out in almost every conversation I have with people about living courageously.

Our lives are driven by the duo waaaaaay more than we’d like to admit.

One of the main side effects of fear and shame is the temptation to stay small, fly under the radar, don’t make too much ruckus, stay within our sphere of expected. Because, if we step into courage and let ourselves be seen by being extraordinary, we will get pushback, a raised eyebrow, and criticism (the voices often sound like this, “Who do you think you are!?” “You’re not smart enough to do that.” “You don’t have a degree in ____________.” “It might not work, and you should only do it if it’s going to work.”).

These voices (whether said by us or someone else) scare us – scare isn’t really a strong enough word here, terrify is better.

So small feels safer, and so it is.

The problem with small, however, is that it makes us resentful, hateful, and bitter because we are not living our best lives, or tapping into our genius, and we know it.

So, what’s left!?


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”      

~Theodore Roosevelt

Living Intentionally

I’m Gonna do Everything!!!

August 24, 2015

jude and evelina - black and white

While tucking my son into bed recently, I asked him if he had any new plans for when he grows up (it’s been on his 3 year old mind a lot lately!). His super enthusiastic response was, “I’m gonna do EVERYTHING mom!!!” (he’s got the striped sunglasses in the above picture 😉 )

Three year olds are great at dreaming and NOT putting any restrictions on what is possible right? Most adults, however, not so great.

It’s weird. Ask a child what they are going to be when they grow up and they can’t stop spewing answers like, “I’m gonna ride to the moon on my cheetah-horse-ocopter and eat PIZZA!!! Ask a kid in middle school and the answer becomes a bit more sluggish and looks more like, “I’m gonna be a doctor.” Ask a high school-er and you often hear crickets, or, “I dunno.”  …And have you ever walked up to an adult and asked them what their big dreams are, “Um, what are you talking about!!??”

So, where do all the dreams go between the ages of 3 and 18!!!???

It’s time to reclaim the dreams you set aside because they didn’t fit into a nice neat ‘expected’ box.

It’s time to Live BIG and Dream BIGGER!!!

P.S. If you’ve ever wondered if it is possible to accomplish dreams AND make money, this guy makes a living helping others combine the two! His message changed our lives!

Personal Growth

Welcome to Wholehearted Human!

August 20, 2015


Like I said in my most recent post, I re-branded rise 365, and you are now entering a new phase, and a new site – YIPEEEE!!

The new name is Wholehearted Human, and it is about getting unstuck, doing brave things, and creating a life you love!

Take a look around and let me know what you think!

Also, if your interested, I wrote a new ebook, 11 Questions for Brave Humans, Figuring Out What Matters. 

So many times in life we want to move forward into taking action (doing something brave), but we get bogged down by having both a lack of clarity and fear of the future.

If this is you, my hope is that this little book will bring you some insight into what you want from your life, and will help you both see and face some of your fears. We can make progress on anything, as long as we know what we are facing!

Go to to get it free (if you’re already subscribed, enter your info as if you were re-subscribing, and you will be given a special link).

I am so glad you are here, and honored to be journeying with you!
