Sometimes one word can change our lives. Today that word is POSSIBILITY.

photo by DSarle
Possibility is an eager leap into what lies ahead. It is unabashed, plucky, and animated.
Possibility rings with hope and shiny newness. It stands out from the crowd with a bold smile and a striking remark which wakes us from our stupor. The lies we robotically repeat to ourselves are replaced with clear words of vision, newness… possibility.
Possibility recognizes every day as a clean slate, therefore today is a door wide open.
Possibility makes our eyes glimmer.
Possibility means we can adjust, reshape, revamp, transform, change.
Possibility makes our hearts beat swiftly, and changes the face of every struggle into one of opportunity. Opportunity to become, absorb, discover, understand, and change.
Possibility inhales crisp clean air which is infused with hope.
Possibility looks like a child, rosy-cheeked and robust, bursting in from the frigid outdoors. Her eyes shimmer with excitement, her smile as wide as a chasm and as free as the wind. Wisps of her hair float above her and her expectant face is turned upward and quivers with delight at what is to come.
Possibility wakes us and says, “What will this spectacular day offer?” and “How can I contribute to this spectacular day?”
Possibility is incomparable when whispered or spoken in a hushed tone. For mystery surrounds her as mist over a barely visible path. A whisper encapsulates the passion which lies deep at the heart of this word… possibility.
Speak it gently and your heart will beat faster, speak it in a whisper and you will find your eyes crinkling with joy and expectancy at what might be.
If there is possibility, we can raise our heads from our pillows each morning facing the day with engagement, joy, and trust. We can cast worry away and pick up our responsibility for now it feels lighter and easier to carry. It also looks a cheery shade of yellow where yesterday it seemed to display itself as a dull shade of gray.
Possibility is here and she is beautiful, intriguing, fiery, bold, excitable, wise, and wide-eyed with wonder. She pauses, thinks, then moves briskly forward, wasting no time. She dances through heartache, she winks at trouble, she turns mud puddles into lush gardens and ordinary to breathtaking.
Where heartache drowns, possibility brings pebbles where your toes lead on new shorelines.
Where discouragement wraps you in weighty chains, possibility is lighter than a silvery soft melody.
Where perspective whacks you across the face, possibility tenderly turns your face and unearths the path to a new journey.
Possibility breathes deep and is the color of life, it is the color of your life, if is the color of my life.
Question: How are you embracing possibility today?
What a beautiful post. Beautifully written. So inspiring. Possibility….the older I get, the more I realize…life is more about hope and possibility almost more than it is about reality. Possibility…I want to live every day grabbing onto and walking in possibility. Love this post!
Thank you Char!
I see this in you and I see you walking into it! You now radiate possibility dear friend 🙂
Great inspiration! I needed that today. Yesterday was a particularly down day for me and I was already looking for ways to make today better. Your post just got it started! Thanks.
You are lovely Donna, thanks for your words! I’m sorry to hear of your hard day! I have no doubt you were able to start this day off better just by looking for ways to start if off better. 🙂
Wonderful thoughts…as normal! 🙂 Possibility, hope, whatever you would like to call it is so essential if we’re to do anything in our life! This reminds me of Victor Frankl. There’s always possibility as long as we’re breathing!
Wonderfully said Ryan! I want to read his book, it is next on my list. I guess you have read it?!
I have not, but I’ve heard many stories about him. I’ve got a rather limited reading list for this year, so I hope you’ll let us know about it when you read it!
I will Ryan!
Terrific post. Possibility–just thinking of the meaning opens your mind to new ideas. And anything is truly possible if we determine to make it happen.
It truly does Skip! I’m sure you see the results of this often in leadership. I am reading “The Art of Possibility” and it is what inspired this post. Perhaps you have read it?
Absolutely. And be sure to watch conductor Benjamin Zander’s speeches, too. Fantastic.
I definitely will now Skip! Thanks!