Personal Growth

Results Of My StrengthFinder Test Are In

August 9, 2012

The results are in for my StrengthFinder 2.0 test. And whoa, people, if you have never done this, let me just say it is powerful!

I was amazed that the book knew me so well! I think it was the result of that little old lady with the horn rimmed glasses that has been following me around for the past 32 years! 🙂

photo by ashley rose

Haha, ok, so there is no little old lady (well, the verdict is still out here.) Finally, however, someone explained me, to me! Well done Strengthsfinder 2.0. Well done!

For those that aren’t aware, I wrote a post a bit ago about taking the StrengthsFinder test. Here is the link if you want to order your own (it is an affiliate link). It’s a book that explains all the different strengths with a unique code for the online test (for this reason, buy it new).

I have been excited to do this because I had taken the DISC personality test and it changed my life. Therefore, I was excited to follow-up with this test as well.

The test basically does what it says. You take a test and find out what your top 5 strengths are. Cool, right?

Who doesn’t want to be better understood?

Well, to be better understood by others you need to first understand yourself. You can then clearly communicate what your needs and wants are to yourself and to others.

So, if you are curious, here are my top 5:

1. Empathy

2. Ideation

3. Futuristic

4. Restorative

5. Connectedness

So there you have it! A little bit more about me.

Order the book StrengthsFinder 2.0 and take the test. I’d love to hear the results!

Question: Do you know what your top strength is? If so, how are you using it?


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  • Joe Lalonde August 9, 2012 at 6:21 am

    I haven’t taken StrengthFinder test yet so I don’t know my top strength according to that test. But I’ve taken the StandOut test and it shows that I’m best in a pioneering/stimulator roles. It really does open your eyes to where you should be.

    • Claudia Good August 9, 2012 at 10:06 pm

      Oh cool Joe,
      I haven’t heard of that one before. Is it similar to the strengthsfinder?

      • Joe Lalonde August 10, 2012 at 6:37 am

        It’s very similar. Instead of giving you a long list of all of your strengths, it finds your top two areas and explains how they meld together.

  • jasonvandehey August 9, 2012 at 10:14 am

    Ta-Da!  You have good ones for being a teacher / mentor / coach.

    I think that everyone should take this early in life and again later.  We both have Ideation in common, but that’s it.Mine are:IdeationActivatorWooMaximizerCommand

    • Claudia Good August 9, 2012 at 10:07 pm

      Nice Jason!
      Ya I agree with you, it is a good idea to do all these things at different times in your life. It is soooo helpful!!

      • jasonvandehey August 9, 2012 at 10:26 pm

        I gave out 4 copies of Strengthsfinder 2.0 books to graduates this year, and I don’t think that any of them took the ‘survey’.  I paid the $17 each for them, got the book into their hands, but I can’t take the test for them.  What can you do?  They spend so much time studying and taking tests for teachers, but nothing for themselves.  Not directly.

        • Michael Good August 10, 2012 at 6:49 am

          I hear you, Jason. What class was this for? I know you homeschool; was it a homeschool group?

          • jasonvandehey August 10, 2012 at 10:04 am

            No, just high-school graduates, some family and friends.  I just checked with the homeschool high-school graduate, and he did take the survey!  His #1 strength came up as “Responsibility”, which explains a lot. 🙂

          • Michael Good August 10, 2012 at 2:51 pm

            Right, I guess he was the responsible one who followed through!

  • Ann Musico August 9, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    Wow Michael – while I don’t know you personally or for very long – that list sounds right to me!!

  • Alyssa August 9, 2012 at 5:59 pm

    Heard great things about this test via my dad. It has given him a new understanding of himself and helped him direct his talents accordingly . . .

    • Claudia Good August 9, 2012 at 10:09 pm

      Oh cool Alyssa,
      Your dad sounds like one awesome guy! No wonder you want to be a little closer to him! 😉

      Yea, this test and the DISC personality profile have been life changing for us. Truly! Have you ever done either?

  • Alana Mokma August 9, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    “Well, to be better understood by others you need to first understand yourself. You can then clearly communicate what your needs and wants are to yourself and to others.” 
    This is so true! 

    We both share the Futuristic and Restorative strengths! 🙂 Restorative is my top strength and I think right now I am using the aspect “bringing things back to life” through my blog.   I like to post about things that inspire others and restore hope for them – to help them realize they are not alone in their struggles, but also to give readers something to aspire to… which brings in the Futuristic strength. One of the features of Futuristic is to inspire others with ideas of the future. Some of my posts provide a glimpse of what their lives could be. 🙂 

    Cool! I like how you guys ask questions that allow for personal application at the end of your posts. 

    • Claudia Good August 9, 2012 at 10:12 pm

      Awesome Alana,
      I think you do a wonderful job using your strengths through your blog! You do inspire and paint pictures for people of what their lives could look like because you are going through the process yourself – as are we – and sharing it. That is powerful!

      Hey thanks, do you usually do questions at the end of your posts? It has worked out really well for us. 

      • Alana Mokma August 9, 2012 at 10:24 pm

        I probably end with a question 30% of the time, but I have seen on your blog as well as a few others that it sparks conversation so I am going to move forward and do it more often. 

        • Claudia Good August 11, 2012 at 11:18 pm

          I think it really does Alana. 
          I know when I read a post it is easier for me to comment if they have a question at the end… 

  • Michael Wright August 11, 2012 at 8:57 am

    Strengths Finder is a good one.  I took the test in 2009 and again last year to see if anything did a little.  But the top 2 stayed the same.  Mine are:  Harmony, Responsibility, Consistency,

    Intellection.  It’s good to know these things.  Thanks for the reminder – sometimes we (at least me anyways!) try to force ourselves into a personality type that really isn’t us.  It’s good to stick with your strengths.

    • Michael Good August 11, 2012 at 10:27 am

      Those are awesome strengths, Michael. Thanks for sharing!