I recently read a blog post written by Seth Godin. It was called, Ridiculous is the New Remarkable.

Seth Godin photo by Mirka23
In the post, Seth speaks of a 19 pound behemoth book he recently put together and sold as part of a kickstarter campaign. He said it was heavy enough to kill a small mammal. I believe him.
Suffice to say, Seth’s 19 pound book was not practical. It was not realistic. It was not simple, in style, or even sensible.
Seth himself said it cost him way to much to even ship these books! So, why would someone do this?
I laughed when I saw this picture.

photo from http://www.squidoo.com/ridiculous-is-the-new-remarkable
No, it was not any of those things. But, it was ridiculously, crazy, and truly FANTASTIC!
It blew the minds of the people who received it. I mean, for crying out loud, to top it all off, the beast of a book has rubber duckies on the front!
What I am saying here is that ridiculous is as Seth says, “Remarkable.”
Was it ridiculous for us to blog for 365 days straight? Uh, yes!
Is is ridiculous for this girl to paint a picture every day? How about for this guy to have a goal of traveling to every country in the world by the time he is 35? Yup and Yup!
Is this race ridiculous? Definitely! How about this guy’s passion for paying off debt so you can do what you love? Totally.
What about this family who sold everything they had and moved to Costa Rica just because they wanted to.
Something about all of those things is thrilling, isn’t it? People doing what they set out to do.
Big goals, big dreams.
They don’t make excuses as to why they don’t or can’t. They simply find a way. Period.
Their stories are not perfect. They are riddled with hardships and failures. But, that is what makes the stories even better. Through the hardships and failures, they tried things. They did stuff. They pursued life.
Would you still pursue publishing a book if you were rejected 900 times? Seth did.
Sadly, many people never even try. Or, they try once and give up as soon as they are rejected or it gets hard. These same people know deep in their heart they could have tried harder. They are capable of much, much more.
So, what is the lesson to be learned from the 19 pound behemoth?
Do your work, whatever it is, and do it ridiculously well!
Do extravagant, passionate work that wows people.
Who cares if it seems ridiculous. The ridiculousness is what makes life fun, daring, and a wildly fascinating adventure.
That ridiculous notion you have been tossing around in your head, maybe it is time to consider it.
I love it when you guys put all the links in there to things you’re exposed to, listening to, etc. It broadens me. Good advice – I’m reading my first Seth Godin book now “Linchpin”, which is REALLY good. Convicting. Every day I hear coworkers moan and groan about “The Company” – I think I’d get beat up or given a blank stare if I even tried to introduce Seth’s thoughts there – that THEY are responsible for their own economy, that the system has changed and they can actually be remarkable in a ‘job’. Thanks for being Remarkably Ridiculous!
You are welcome!!
As, yes, “Linchpin.” Possibly the most widely talked about of all Seth’s books. Michael has read it. It is in my ‘books to read’ basket 🙂
So, you are loving it huh?
Hey hey now… What’s so ridiculous about the Tough Mudder?
hahahaa! Well let me think about that… maybe everything!!
Have you done one Joe?
I haven’t done one, yet. I planned on doing one in 2012 but time got away from me.
There’s a big possibility 2013 could be the year I do it. Did you know you can also get a tattoo of the Tough Mudder logo and get free access to a future event?
Can you get the tattoo right at the event? Now that would be cool… run through the finish line and get branded with the Tough Mudder logo on the spot – BAM!
Wow, cool that you are going for it!!!???
You ,sir, are ridiculous and it is great!
I don’t believe it’s right on spot anymore. All due to health regulations, etc… It would be pretty sweet to have it done right then and there at the finish line though.
Free admission? Hmm, my thrifty side says not a bad deal. I would enjoy doing a tough mudder too. Is there going to be one near you in MI?
Now that is inspiring and encouraging!! Perfect morning reading. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. So true. All of it. Now just to better define what makes me ridiculous!
Quite welcome Char!
I would love to hear what you come up with! 😉
I love reading about people that don’t give up!
Me too Donna!
If they can do it than you can do it and I can do it 😉
You are both remarkable! Love the picture, by the way!! What an inspiring and encouraging thought – do your work – whatever it is – ridiculously well. I love that. Thank you, as always, for giving me something new and fresh to think about.
hahaaa isn’t that picture great Ann!?
You are so sweet!
Go, think, and be ridiculous 😉
He is doing a sweepstakes now to get your hands on one of those books – have my fingers crossed. Thanks for the great examples of people doing ridiculous things…I think that may be the quickest way to get noticed!
I just saw that!!! Did you enter? hahahaaa! I love Seth’s stuff. I think he comes up with the craziest notions and goes through with it. It is refreshing.
Took a peek at your blog. NICE!! I like the whole premise… Monday is good…. great work!
Thanks, Claudia. I discovered your blog today – lots of great stuff. Your resources page encouraged me to refresh mine, so thanks for that. I appreciate the feedback, as a new blogger (and perfectionist) it is easy to get discouraged sometimes!
Oh cool Tom, thanks for stopping by and for your comment!
How long have you been blogging Tom?
About six months – really helps to clarify my thinking and is an outlet for helping others. Loving it!
Glad to hear it Tom! Blessings as you continue!
Love the picture as well:) Doing ridiculous things gets you noticed. Great post and thoughts.
Isn’t that picture great!? Hey thanks, appreciate the comment!
Hey, your blog is looking great! Enjoying it?
Your welcome. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy my blog.