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Personal Growth

A profound 3 sentence prayer

There is a simple three sentence prayer which can make a profound impact on your life.  It can help you see how to overcome big obstacles and give you the courage and confidence to take bold action. The prayer I’m talking about comes from the book…

July 1, 2013
Personal Growth

The Rift

My first encounter with The Rift was when I danced wildly across a stage in high school. I then encountered him while embarking on a journey alone to Colorado. I glimpsed him again while driving through the mountains into Tibet, and later in the red dust of…

May 2, 2013

My Latest Failure

Recently, I gave a free class at one of our local libraries. My purpose was to build the student base at our music school. I have done these classes in the past and they have been extremely valuable for us. We have actually gotten…

April 29, 2013

The Lighter Side: Waiting for God or Procrastinating?

“When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me.” ~Andy Andrews Question: Have you ever put off making a decision and used something like this as an excuse?  …

November 3, 2012