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Living Intentionally Personal Growth

He decided to quit

My friend just quit his job. And I, being curious, asked him what made him pull the trigger. I knew he had been wishing to make a change for a while but wondered what actually made him decide to quit. He said he realized…

March 7, 2014
Living Intentionally Personal Growth

Pay for breakthrough

I was recently reminded again that we place greater value on things that we pay for, rather than things that are free. Not only that, when we to pay for something, there’s a better chance for growth and a breakthrough. Paying to get 2014…

January 20, 2014
Personal Growth

Learn from anti-role models

Learning from positive role models is definitely a good thing, however there is great value in learning from anti-role models as well. Rather than needing to make all the mistakes ourselves, we can observe the mistakes of others and learn from those. Don’t misunderstand me,…

October 14, 2013
Entrepreneurship Personal Growth

Bumps in the road

So, what do you when things don’t go as planned and you find yourself in the middle of a tough situation not knowing how it’s all going to work out? You focus on the positive, learn from the experience, and embrace the journey, right? While…

August 5, 2013
Personal Growth

Multiplying a hundredfold

I just finished the book, The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino. It’s a delightful little book and one I recommend to everyone who wants to improve their ability to influence others. In it, the author creates this wonderful imagery when he likens…

July 11, 2013
Personal Growth

The Easiest Way To Get Unstuck

Sometimes we get stuck. Stuck in anger, or depression, or anxiety. We get stuck in a mindset, a negative way of dealing with life, or in relationships. All this happens and we don’t know how to get unstuck. When we feel stuck, we replay…

May 30, 2013

Month In Review For July 2012

We had another exciting month and are now into the final third of the summer. We continue to push forward towards the dreams and the vision we have for our future! I trust you are doing the same. Some of what we’ve been up…

August 2, 2012