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IDC Project


Taking An Ice Cold Shower – IDC #10

Mentioned links: The Flinch, by Julien Smith No More Mondays Show with Andy Traub and Justin Lukasavige Read more about the IDC Project View our completed “uncomfortable situations” —– Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here!…

January 31, 2012

Meeting New People – IDC #9

Read more about the IDC Project View our completed “uncomfortable situations” —– Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here! Don’t forget to vote for an upcoming IDC Project!…

January 17, 2012

Resolving Conflict – IDC #8

Resolving conflict. This has kept me awake on multiple occasions for too many years. Why do we put this type of stuff off? Push it away, try to forget about it? It sits there in the back of your mind every minute of every…

January 10, 2012

A Table Of Shiny Sharp Instruments – IDC #7

My most recent IDC Project was not done on purpose, but out of necessity. I had to have a  small surgery done and, with this, face a host of my biggest fears. Fears of doctors and needles and germs and pain and hospitals and…

January 3, 2012

Telling My Boss What I REALLY Think – IDC #6

I’ve found it very interesting how my thoughts and feelings have changed over the course of the past few weeks while I wrap up my final days at my job. I found myself caring less about what others think and actually saying what I’m…

December 27, 2011

Germs – IDC #4

I have a very strong ‘distaste’, shall we say, for touching things while out in public. This was a challenge suggested by a friend… this is for you Adrienne! [tentblogger-youtube cT5LOmwUpzU] You can read what the IDC Project is all about here and view our completed…

December 13, 2011

Michael On Wearing Red Polish – IDC #3

For I Don’t Care Project #3, I wore red nail polish out in public. I did some shopping (purchased a couple of things too) and bought a cup of coffee. Why you ask? To loosen the grip of the fear of what others think…

December 7, 2011

Frumpy Girl At Mall – IDC #2

  Video Notes: Claudia goes to the mall after she has just rolled out of bed People don’t really care, they might think you’re weird, but they don’t care The sales girl who asked us if we needed help definitely did a double take…

November 28, 2011

Running With My Shirt Off – IDC #1

Welcome to the first I Don’t Care Project! How it helped: – It invigorated, energized, and motivated me! – Taught me that once you get out and start whatever the challenge is, it gets easier. The fear of what others think lessens. – Taught…

November 21, 2011