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Don’t Forget To Water Your Mind

I looked out my window this morning and my newly planted tree was wilting! “Did I forget to water it?” I wondered to myself. I obviously had forgotten and the poor tree was feeling the lack of life giving water. The flowers were folding…

March 27, 2012

Conducting Inventory

How do you evaluate, keep track, and conduct an inventory? If your mind were a warehouse, would you know what is stored in it? Is there anything not worth keeping? Old, expired, or taking up space? Would this be an image of your warehouse?…

March 11, 2012

5 Things I Wish I Knew 5 Years Ago

This month five years ago, I graduated from Temple University with an undergraduate degree in music education. I guess you could say it was a long time coming. I took a few years off after high school because I didn’t know what I wanted…

January 23, 2012