When we look at our current situation, where we are and where we want to go, we must find a healthy balance between looking back for understanding and looking forward with vision and hope. There are times when we need to spend more time…
This post is part of the IDC Project. The IDC Project’s mission is for us to take a stand for who we are and what we believe without worrying about what others may think. Read more about the IDC Project here and view completed IDC’s here. For our most recent IDC…
For our next IDC for the I Don’t Care Project, we invite you to come along and do the challenge with us! No, we’re not going to go to the store in our pajamas or give lunch to a homeless person, though you could…
As I walked into a retail store recently to perform a mystery shopping job, I was greeted, “Hi, how are you?” The greeting seemed kind but robotic. I responded with a smile and a brief, “Fine, thanks.” “Oh rats!” I thought. “I didn’t mean…
“For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are.” – C. S. Lewis “The Magicians Nephew” I started off my day tired and grumpy. I decided to write…
Today was an interesting day. Jude and I went out to do a mystery shopping job, which was a new experiment for us. It gets us out of the house and brings in some extra money. That is a win in my book. After our…
Have you ever been uncomfortable and then someone shouts out something horribly inappropriate or a glass drops and shatters into a million little sparking pieces, shattering with it the awkwardness that lingered just moments before? It breaks the crust, the dry crunchy crust we put up…
Recently, I wrote about why I don’t listen to news radio. Similarly, I don’t check the weather. The reasons are a little different but the philosophy is similar. Just the other week, it was confirmed to me that this is a good approach. I…
When you feel down and like you just can’t keep going, stop, take a deep breath, and look around. Sure, it can be hard to see the forest in spite of the trees, but we need to remember there is an ebb and flow…
Have you ever had a bad day? Like a really bad day, maybe you were late to work. You didn’t get a good night of sleep because the baby was crying all night. You had an argument with your wife before you ran out…